Tag Archives: #Soldering

Making Waterproof Flashlights Part 2 – Tech Post #8

So where was I when I left off last time?…

*Looking back at my last post…*

Okay, I had just finished sketching my flashlight blueprint, so I’ll continue where I left off.

Yesterday in technology class, I finished measuring and cutting the wires I need for the flashlight, and the day before yesterday I cut my pipes for my flashlight. Today, I drilled holes in my pipes, one for the LED light to stick out of, and one for the switch to stick out of.

I also used Sharpie paint markers to decorate my flashlight. I decided to draw trees and flowers and those sorts of things on it. I think that my designs actually turned out really well.

I soldered my wires together a day ago or so, which means that the interior of my flashlight is nearly done.

One I finished soldering my wires, I assembled my flashlight. Mr. Calvert helped me put the LED light inside one of the holes that I had drilled and the switch out the other hole.

And guess what?

It actually worked! *slow clapping*

Now that I’m finished with my flashlight, I can go on to using the Vectonator app to make a wooden bookmark, or I can work on another solder piece, like the pendants I made at the beginning of Tech.

And, as you know, this is going to be my last sixth grade Tech post. That means…

  1. No more soldering
  2. No more flashlights
  3. No more sixth grade Technology!

Fortunately, seventh grade holds many wonders, including seventh grade Technology! Yay! 🙂