Capstone Post #6 – Working on my Final Project

At first, I couldn’t decide what my final project would be. At first I thought I would do a Google presentation, then I told everyone I was doing an Imovie, after about an hour, I changed that to a WeVideo, then finally I decided on a Ted Talk. I honestly felt bad that I made Mrs. Cooper write down 4 different things but now i’m happy that I chose a Ted Talk. When I started working on my presentation I realized my presentation was way too distracting so I took out a lot of my pictures. Then, when I started drafting my script, I couldn’t really figure out how to make transitions from one slide to another so I needed a lot of extra help from Mr. Casal and others. For one of my slides, I made from scratch an x-y grid which I am really proud of myself for making because of how well it looked to me. After I finished working on my presentation and script, (or at least when I thought I finished,) I had a feeling that my presentation would be way too short. I knew that a Ted Talk had to be 5-8 minutes but I ended up worrying about this way too much until Arthur and I timed my presentation and realized it was two minutes over. That was when I realized that I had 3 videos each one minute. For the next day, I worked on cutting the videos to maximum 30 seconds which ended up working. I ended up making my presentation only about a minute over. When I went home that day and worked on making it shorter, I couldn’t figure what to cut out until I realized I had a whole paragraph that had did not relate to anything I said. It took me a while to be able to memorize even a part of my script and even now I still have 3 slides to memorize. Until Monday 6/12, I thought I was behind on my script but when I practiced with my friends, they hadn’t memorized their script either which relieved me. Although I still haven’t memorized my script and my presentation is only about 20 seconds over, I am excited to present to the whole school and my parents

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