Capstone Post #7 – Capstone Share

On Monday 6/19 and Tuesday 6/20, when me and everyone else presenting in the classroom were presenting to the school, I went 4th out of 7 people. I thought this would be good for Monday because from what I thought, most kids would get tired and sometimes bored and won’t listen by the last presentation. Going 4th is a good thing because I was the first to present to the 3rd graders so I had full attention. On Tuesday, parents always listen and don’t get tired no matter what topic so it didn’t really matter what number you were in the order. On both Monday and Tuesday though, I didn’t want to go first because I didn’t want to be the first one then just mess up and begin that way, but I also didn’t want to go last because of what I just said. Out of both days, my presentation was better on Tuesday. On Monday when I was presenting to the 3rd graders, I missed a line and stuttered a lot but most people didn’t notice. On Tuesday, I was doing well until a technical difficulty appeared which looked really bad. When I presented on Tuesday, I also talked too fast but luckily, my parents said they could understand me. Both days when I presented I was nervous but also excited to teach people that seemed to be uninterested in snowboarding in general. Overall though, even with the mistakes I made, I felt like I did great presenting to parents and 3rd graders.

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