For social studies, I made a timeline of MLK´s. Jr important events. He was a well known public speaker and black people’s rights. he changed a lot of the future for us. for all, we know the law could have been the same. He motivated people to keep trying and don´t get physical with other people and one of his quotes to promote that was ¨ Hate cannot drive out hate only love can¨.

Date Event
January 15, 1929 BORN

Martin Luther King, Jr was born in Atlanta, GA

Summer of 1941 The king family moves from 501 Auburn ave to 193 Boulevard in Atlanta
September 20, 1944 Martin begins college at Morehouse
August 6, 1946 Atlanta approves his letter stating That Black people ¨ are entitled to the basic rights and opportunities of Americans citizens.¨
February 25, 1948 Becomes assistant pastor
May 6-8, 1951  King begins his graduate studies in systematic theology at Boston university
June 18, 1953 King and Coretta Scott were married at the Scott home near Marion, Alabama.
December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks is arrested for refusing to vacate her seat and move to the rear of a city bus in Montgomery to make way for a white passenger. Jo-Ann Robinson and other Women’s Political Council members mimeograph thousands of leaflets calling for a one-day boycott of the city’s buses on Monday, 5 December.
January 10-11, 1957 Southern black ministers meet in Atlanta to share strategies in the fight against segregation. King is named chairman of the Southern Negro Leaders Conference on Transportation and Nonviolent Integration
May 21, 1961 After the initial group of Freedom Riders seeking to integrate bus terminals are assaulted in Alabama, King addresses a mass rally at a mob-besieged Montgomery church.
  June 5, 1963 Strength to Love, King’s book of sermons, is published