Capstone Post #2 – Interview

Now i am starting to write my questions for my interviewee and i hope things are going to go alright now i am ready for my interview and i was interviewing my uncle. The reason I was interviewing my uncle is he is easy to get to and I know him very well. Some of the things I learned were you have to grease the reel every week and take it apart once a year and you can catch a fish on any reel.


After that i thought i had finished the interview but I Had 5 questions which was not enough and these were my first 5 questions   How do you think the spool has changed overtime

What high quality materials would be the  best in durability for a reel 

How do you think the handle has changed overtime 

Why do you think they changed the look of the spinning reel

 What do you think would be the lifespan of a high quality reel

And those are my first 5 questions after that I wrote 5 more and did the interview over again


Once i had all my questions answered I made sure everything was done correctly so i did not have another mess up and I continued with capstone. One of the things I learned is you don’t stick to the plan and sometimes you have to adapt it to the situation.

Blog post 1

My topic for the Capstone project is fishing and my main inquiry question is,  “How have spinning fishing reels evolved and what do the best ones currently on the market have in common?”  I chose this topic because fishing is my passion and I have been doing it since I was four years old. 

I first started fishing on our family boat which we kept in the Long Island Sound where the only thing I really caught was snapper and an occasional clam.  Eventually, we bought a house on the New Jersey shore where our backyard is the Barnegat Bay.  It was at the beach house where I really got into fishing.  In our backyard, we have a dock that we would do crabbing, fishing, swimming, and boating.  Of all those activities I liked fishing the best. 

The first rod that I bought at the beach house was a kids’ thumb caster.  As I got older, I bought nicer gear and tried all different types of reels of different makes and models.  For example, I have drop reels that we used on the boat to fish for fluke, spinning reels, and bait casters for snapper and striped bass off the dock and kayak.  I learned that there are different spinning reels as well, some for smaller fish, some for bigger fish, and some for fishing off the beach.  I got so into fishing, I researched different brands and fishing techniques all the time.  All of these things combined were helpful in choosing my main inquiry question.

The hardest part about picking my inquiry question was narrowing down to a subtopic of fishing. Some of the topics that I initially considered were boats, kayaks, and commercial versus recreational fishing.  After speaking with Ms. Edwards I ended up on the evolution of spinning reels because it was a narrower topic to research.  

Going through this process I am learning that I am very good at researching things that I like.  I spend a lot of time on my computer reading articles and watching videos.  What is challenging for me is organizing my thoughts and expanding on them to support my research.  I hope to continue to improve as I go through this process.


For social studies, I made a timeline of MLK´s. Jr important events. He was a well known public speaker and black people’s rights. he changed a lot of the future for us. for all, we know the law could have been the same. He motivated people to keep trying and don´t get physical with other people and one of his quotes to promote that was ¨ Hate cannot drive out hate only love can¨.

Date Event
January 15, 1929 BORN

Martin Luther King, Jr was born in Atlanta, GA

Summer of 1941 The king family moves from 501 Auburn ave to 193 Boulevard in Atlanta
September 20, 1944 Martin begins college at Morehouse
August 6, 1946 Atlanta approves his letter stating That Black people ¨ are entitled to the basic rights and opportunities of Americans citizens.¨
February 25, 1948 Becomes assistant pastor
May 6-8, 1951  King begins his graduate studies in systematic theology at Boston university
June 18, 1953 King and Coretta Scott were married at the Scott home near Marion, Alabama.
December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks is arrested for refusing to vacate her seat and move to the rear of a city bus in Montgomery to make way for a white passenger. Jo-Ann Robinson and other Women’s Political Council members mimeograph thousands of leaflets calling for a one-day boycott of the city’s buses on Monday, 5 December.
January 10-11, 1957 Southern black ministers meet in Atlanta to share strategies in the fight against segregation. King is named chairman of the Southern Negro Leaders Conference on Transportation and Nonviolent Integration
May 21, 1961 After the initial group of Freedom Riders seeking to integrate bus terminals are assaulted in Alabama, King addresses a mass rally at a mob-besieged Montgomery church.
  June 5, 1963 Strength to Love, King’s book of sermons, is published



In my opinion, the rocketry unit was great because we got to build rockets and make slide shows all in all it was amazing. I think I worked very well in a team because we all were good at something so that helped us a lot say Mary said I don ́t know how to do this but Jeff said I know how to do that. So that was a huge advantage for our group and we were one of the first groups to finish our rocket. And we named our rocket Ocean Motion because it was blue and it would be going fast.


Designing Rocket 3


When we were designing rocket 3 we decide to change are nose cone so we got rid of the flat stopper and put the nose cone over the opening and sealed it with tape. We call are rocket the green dart of death. We think we are going to do it perfect this time.


We built it out of cardstock paper and cardboard and tape. We are very excited to launch are rocket. We are hoping to to at least get 100 ft instead of staying in the 90 ft range.


Launching and Graphing Rocket 2


When we launched rocket 2 we were so happy it looked like it went a lot higher than last time but when we got the resultś we were mad because they got the same reading as last time we thought the clinometer readers were being dishonest


After the launch we had to graph are rocket and we got a little bit higher we got that done we were ready to design rocket 3.


Designing and Building Rocket 2


When we were designing rocket 2 we thought about how we can make it go higher. So we looked at the winning groups fins and they were bigger and higher up than ours so we stole there fin template and copied there fins. 


After that we glued them on and we were ready to go we were so happy we thought for sure it would go a lot higher than last time. I was thinking this is going to go so much higher than last time


Launching and Graphing Rocket 1


When we launched our first rocket it did not look like it went very high. But we were happy it worked but when we found out how high it went we were nooooooo but then we thought how can we make it better after that we had to graph are results and we got 90ft. 


When we were graphing are rockets we had to use this graph paper with protractors to measure the height of the rocket plus our height .


Designing and Building Rocket 1


When We were building are Rocket we decided to have small and pointy fins because of aerodynamics and speed. So we built them out of the lightest cardboard we could find. Then we made a fin template and cut the fins out and then hot glued them on.


Once we did that we were hopeful for the launch and very optimistic. we thought are fins were perfect and are nose cone was perfect but it didn’t really work out that way.


We built our nose cone out of light paper and tinfoil and tape. Then we built our body around a pvc pipe then taped it together and slid the pipe out. Then we got cardboard from the maker space and cut it out and glued them on.