News report 2

Rocketry Rush Part 2: FF

Building Gone Bonkers

Written by Noy.C

After the Pack-man disaster, they had to rush to build, but it was bonkers. They had a week to build, while other groups had 1.5.

The Fantastic Flyers had trouble with building the rocket and were late to start anyways. The group spent most of the time in class 5C and not in the wing like when they were designing. The misunderstanding about aerodynamics  by one team member was the first thing that had to be solved. When designing, one group member didn’t understand what another meant by aerodynamics, which meant that even when it was explained, they needed to take out of building time to explain again. After that, they had some trouble rolling the rocket body. Their first attempt was too small, but their second fit perfect on the small tube. However, it was made with dodgy paper and they tried with stronger paper. This idea failed, so they resorted to the old rocket design that fit. Then they spent a good chunk of time on the presentation, which was unnecessary. Even after all this time wasting, they didn’t learn their lesson. They spent a ton of time on the nose cone. “I felt baaaaaaad.,” said group member Kevin “It was really stressful.”.

Eventually, they got to the fin part. However, they used the wrong piece of cardboard and had to start over. Then they fixed the fins, but were late to stick them on.

“ This is how I felt one: stressed, two: mad, three: sad,” said teammate Maya on the late stress “I thought rocketry was going to be fun and I wanted to make the second time funner”.

All that was left was to launch…

5 thoughts on “News report 2

  1. Great job. Your news report is great. I loved the topic that you chose and I like how you did a news report on each launch. Your news report is really fun to read and it was really descriptive.

  2. I really liked your news report, I think you choose a great topic and did two news reports on the same topic. You gave a lot of description and details along with some quotes. Overall great job!

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