Rgoldberg blog Post 1

It was very intriguing to start on this project. I had no idea how much experimenting and logic had to be done and used even before we even started with our full plan. We spent about a hour on coming up with what would should work and what and what wouldn’t to get to a sense of what we would do. At first I thought this would be the most stressful part of the process, but it turned out to be fun, with us just playing around with loads of toys. After that oddly fun part, it was time to put pen to paper. This was um, oddly stressful! While we were doing full sketch #1, I started wishing that we had 9 steps instead of 8, so we added it to the plan. Then we agreed that it wasn’t neat enough so we did a second. Maya did the 2nd, while I did vigorous testing of it would actually work bit by bit, and what we tested worked. I also had major difficulty making a Lego set of stairs that would not only support the ball and allow it to go down smoothly, but even harder, to make it support itself! Almost as soon as we were done, another frustrating thing came up… #2 missed a step! I felt like this was the most infuriating thing ever, this part! Luckily, #3 was nailed. That was a big relief. here is our sketch that is ready to be submitted: http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-sJlbTwKOKUY3plR0hWZ1RZM3dMaHlMM1ByYXpjV2ktbXRz/view

I feel that we were unexpectedly successful and I have a sense of what it is like very different to what I originally thought, and it is more different to rocketry than I thought as well!


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