Capstone blog 1- Choosing a topic

This is where it all begins! Or maybe ends for our time in 5th grade. Capstone is here, but first, what on earth are we going to study? Or should I make than what in the Universe? This part is crucial, the course of the project comes down to this.  But for me what I was going to do was crystal (or glass) clear. Hydrogen. Something about the building blocks of the Universe known as Elements facinates me, and Hydrogen was the first in existence. But then, the back up. I had so many things I could and wanted to do, it could take a lifetime to do them all! The main contenders, however were black holes and the years 1483- 1485. I chose the first because I didn’t want to go to far of my original idea. This is how I chose my topic.

Social issues – Noy- Mistreatment of animals

The issue that matters to me the most is mistreatment of animals. This is a social issue in the first place because
1: Mrs.Cooper said so and
2: Animals are also living things as well
It matters to me because I think that it is unfair that 1 species of over-intelligent animals (humans) should be able to claim superiority over another and mistreat animals that never did anything wrong. For the sake of doing so, I’m going to categorise then list different types of ways the mistreatment comes up, and then talk a bit about each and every one.


Bull sports. There are 2 different types of common sports (other than hunting wild animals for sport; popular 1600s – 1870s) involving bulls, and to save space I’m grouping them together. The first is a well known sport well loved in Spain, one which you will almost definitely  recognise. It it bull fighting. A sport where the man is almost guaranteed to win, the bull to die and no-one really cares about what happens to the poor, poor bull. I don’t really think I need to explain further. Just a cruel sport. The next one is one that I don’t know much about other that it isn’t well known, and the aim. The aim? To jump over a bull and avoid a painful death. Do I need to tell you how annoying it is to sit still? Poor thing, I wouldn’t think I could survive staying still for enough time for someone to leap over me.

Shark hunting. Also a sport. More about this practice later.

Dog fights. Not in common practice anymore, but is still legal in some countries (not England🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿). Dogs are forced to fight each other to the death in fighting rings.🐕☠️ The emojis explain it all, really. Another form was a bunch of mice vs dog. Bye bye, mice.🐁☠️

Financial/ business

Shark hunting. Also a sport. Increasingly popular due to the demand of shark fin soup throughout China and Hong Kong. Made easier/ more abundant due to the popular practice of “finning”. This takes the valuable part (the fin), cuts it of, and throws the rest back in the water. This results to more shark deaths a day, hour, whatever you want. Just more shark deaths, that’s all.

Circuses. Many people will be appalled to see that I am putting it on this list. But how am I supposed to be denied the truth? The thing is, animals find in very stressful for the animals. So what do they do? They put on tight and uncomfortable mask blocking view of crowds. Also, they are forced to do tricky routines that naturally the animals wouldn’t do in the wild, and this may be hard for them to be able to pull of. Also, sometimes, ringmasters or the people in charge of the act can be very strict and hurt the animals. And this is just my opinion from experience, but it always looks like the animals (elephants) are pulling a sad face.😿

Hunting. I really wanted to replace this sentence with a rude sentence. But anyways, the replacement is: If you think illegally hunting down endangered animals who can’t help themselves for some cash is fine, your mental. Plain and simple. Your mental. Why on earth would you break the law and end a harmless creature for some cash?💰 That’s mental.

Farming. This is an odd one, isn’t it. And no, this is not here to point out the fact that they kill animals for food. Because that is obvious.🤦 It is here for another 2 reasons. Did you know right outside of many rainforests, there are farms? Well those farms are owned by greedy big bad wolfs who are never happy.🐺 They say “Hey, my farm’s big, but I want more!” Then they decide instead of buying property of other people, to cut dow some of the rainforest and claim that land their own.✂️🌲 This destroys the habitats of many, many animals. Also, sometimes, species of animals like tigers (Asia) or lions (Africa) attack and eat some of the farm animals.🍴 There are many ways around this problem, but guess what they choose? To shoot the animal for being hungry and the farmer not being careful.🔫🦁 That is just mean!

Furniture. You heard the devistating effect of cutting down trees from earlier? Same hear, man!

Say wha? The Mad Nutter

Basically, this is an animal nutter who is as mad as the mad hatter (Both were in the Victorian era, too).🎩He had snakes on the banisters🐍, zebras pulling his carriage🚃🦓, monkeys at the dinner table to talk to🐒💺, and many other animals. As you may of noticed, his obsession was bad for animals.