Capstone blog post 4 – Site visit

The site visit was the hardest part of capstone for me. You had to find a place to visit where you could learn stuff and take pictures. But as my topic was Hydrogen, it wasn’t easy at all…

On the first week of research, we were tasked to start finding places to go. Some people got somewhere really easy and were already submitting were it was. I wasn’t one of those people. I spent the first week gathering sooo much information. I also did some brief searching at home, but to no avail.😞 The second and third weeks were different. I spent practically all my capstone time at home looking, and we got nothing. Nothing but NASA. They didn’t have anywhere to do with Hydrogen or fuel cells on exhibit.😞

The next two weeks were as frustrating, if not more. Near the end of the 4th week, we found a university with this big Hydrogen facility. We contacted them, and they said there was nothing to see there, and that I wouldn’t learn anything new from my visit.😞 After a seemingly long time, we found this house that ran purely on Hydrogen. We booked tickets and everything!!😁 But 5 days before we were supposed to be there, they flooded.😞 They literally flooded. So we couldn’t go. 😞😞 I was like, crying I was that sad. I ended up not getting to go somewhere. But Ms.Cooper knows what happened and is OK with it. So I’m not gonna fail. And that’s all that matters in life.