Plant Observations


Date Controlled variables Manipulated variables
5\8 Most of the plants grew to 1 cm tall. Some of the salt started to go to the bottom.
5\9 Some of the plants grew to be 1 inch tall. Half of the salt went to the bottom and half stayed on the top of the quad.
5\10 Most of the plants are 1 inch and a half or shorter. The salt stuck to the side of the petri dish.
5/11 Some of the plants started to fall over. Today the salt stuck to the sides of the petri dish.
5/12 Today the plants are two or less inches tall. Today the salt stayed on the side of the petri dish.
5/13 Today most of the plants grew taller than 2 inches tall. Most of the salt went to the bottom of the quad or the petri dish.


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