Rube Goldberg Plan

My plan is that there’s going to be a bottle with string and a golf ball. The golf ball is going to hit a car that will roll down some hot wheel tracks, and the car is going to hit a marble. The marble is going to hit some dominos; the dominos are going to hit another marble; and the marble is going to hit some plastic cups.  The cups will knock over some taped blocks, and the nail taped to the blocks is going to pop the balloon at the end.

If it fails, I’ll have some issues because it’ll be quite a challenge to put it back together. If the bottle falls I can just put it back into place, and if the golf ball connected to the string falls and breaks the string, I’ll have to cut some new string to replace it.  The bottle should be okay, because it’s supported with the rocks inside the bottle.



One thought on “Rube Goldberg Plan

  1. This was really long and wheal is suppose to be wheel I think.and I liked how you explained everything and how you put some details. Great job

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