Choosing a Topic For Capstone

For my capstone project, I think I’ll be doing SpaceX vs. Nasa. I’m leaning towards that because it seems interesting that they’re battling who gets to Mars first. They both want to be the first people to send a human to Mars, so they’re both trying to make new rockets so they can get there. SpaceX says they’ll send someone to go to Mars in 2025.

I think capstone will be fun! 🙂

4 thoughts on “Choosing a Topic For Capstone

  1. I like how you explained about WHY you chose your topic, but you didn’t write about HOW you chose it. The last sentence in your first paragraph was off topic, and you only wrote like five sentences. Only five! You can write more than that. Try to do better next time.

  2. I think you did a good job but maybe also include one fact about NASA is because you said that Space X will be sending someone into mars in 2025. Also NASA is all caps. Say what you were gonna do but now you are choosing Space X V.S NASA and why and what were other decisions that you are not doing.
    I liked how you included what they are battling about.
    But other than that I think you did a great job!

  3. I know you love learning about “space” in general, so I think “SpaceX,” the topic you have narrowed it down to since writing this post, will be an interesting learning experience for you. I’m looking forward to learning alongside you!

  4. I think that you could explain what capstone is and maybe more of the process of picking your topic. Good job overall.

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