Tech Outro

This is my final blog post for technology, since it’s about to end. There’s less than a week left of school. I think tech was fun and that Mr Calvert is a nice teacher.

Cutting Pipes

In the flashlight project, in order to get the correct “flashlight size”, you had to cut pipes and measure them. Beforehand, we had to make graphs (of course). One time, I was helping someone cut a pipe, and I actually cut myself. Not on the saw, no, but on the pipe itself. I liked cutting the pipes, though.

Technology “Progress Report”

This progress report is basically going to be about my favorite and least favorite thing about technology. My favorite thing so far, I’d say, was the flashlight project. I really liked that project because I like being creative and learning how to wire stuff. My least favorite thing of this quarterly is the blog posts we have to do. Although I like typing and writing, I think it’s sort of hard to come up with a topic for a blog post.

Flashlights in Technology

So recently we started making flashlights in technology. I finished awhile ago, but that’s mainly because I stayed after school and did it. I liked soldering the wires and sawing the pipes. I think the project in general was cool and fun