Answering My Main Inquiry Quqestion

A while ago in the Capstone project, we were assigned to do an essay to answer our main inquiry questions. The essay was filled with all of our information in our Capstone notebooks. The essay worked as a guideline for our script and the script would be for the final video/presentation. The script contained some of the information since there was a time limit. The essay was fun to make and write but in my script, lots of it was narrowed. I am very proud of it so here it is: 

Cheese, a simple food, and a delicious treat. Although cheese is simple, it has an interesting and complex background in its history and religious purposes. I decided to research cheese and it led me to my main inquiry question, what is the history behind cheese, and how does cheese impact different cultures. I researched tons of sites for notes and after a few weeks of straight research, I am able to fully answer my questions with the help of sub-questions to guide my research which is, what is the history of cheese, how have different cultures adapted cheese, what does cheese symbolize in different cultures and how has cheese impacted civilization today?

Cheese has an interesting history and background, it all started in 8000 BC according to an ancient legend when an Arab merchant made cheese by storing milk in a pouch made from a sheep’s stomach and the enzymes turned it into curd and whey. In many Asian places, cheese is not considered to be part of their diet but around 1615 BC the Bai people in China made a new cheese called Rushan cheese. In 100 BC cheese was quite well known throughout Europe and the middle east, and by the time of Julius Caesar who dictated Rome, hundreds of hundreds of varieties existed. The cheese had been produced in America since the early 17th century when English farmers brought knowledge about dairy including cheesemaking from the old world to the English colonies. Factory-made cheese overtook handmade cheese in ww2 and ever since factories have been the source of most cheese in America and Europe.

Cheese is loved by many countries around the world and is quite important to them except for a few countries like Eastern Asia. Cheese is not very popular in China due to the fact that many people are lactose intolerant because they have not eaten cheese yet. Nomadic tribes ate cheese and those tribes were viewed as barbarians so, cheese was seen as an unsavory food and that led to people not eating it and they stayed lactose intolerant. On the other hand, Americans love cheese. Humans are supposedly supposed to be lactose intolerant but Americans got rid of it because of the centuries they ate cheese. When our ancestors moved to new areas with less wildlife they needed protein and animal meat was not an option since few animals existed to hunt so cheese became a viable alternative to meat. Another country that loves cheese is the French, French people truly love cheese as it’s part of their culinary, culture, and lifestyle.  The French Monasteries is a place reserved for monks and praying. The Monasteries began to perfect the tradition of cheese in France. The monks were meticulous in creating cheese and their experiments are why we have numerous varieties of cheeses today to eat. Cheese in Italy is very important, cheese is part of many historic dishes and traditions that exist. France has produced tons of cheese in quantity and new variants, and Italy is relative to that number so it is safe to say that Italy loves cheese just as much as France. 

Cheese symbolizes many things in religion and is used in it. Cheese played a large role in the religion of the Sumerians in Uruk, the first every city-state made. The story goes that a goddess Inanna had to choose between a shepherd and a farmer to marry, the shepherd named Dumuzi gave her a sales pitch made of dairy items such as milk, yogurt, and cheese. Inanna chose Dumuzi and in honor of Innana’s love of diary, the people of Uruk brought cheese and butter to her temple every day. Likewise, another religious story about cheese was when a Roman writer discussed the temple of Rumina who was the goddess of shepherds, and the fig tree nearby called Ficus Ruminalis, people brought cheese and milk as offerings to the temple instead of wine which was used. Additionally, there are 3 Christian saints who deal with diaries. Saint Bartholomew is the patron saint of Florentine cheesemakers, Saint Lucio-Uguzoh is also a saint of cheese who discovered how to make cheese production more efficient and gave the extra cheese away to those in need and Saint Brigid of Ireland is the patron saint of dairy workers and dairymaids. A legend goes that she gave away lots and lots of milk and butter that there was none left for her family by the end. She was afraid that her mother would be very upset so Brigid prayed and when Brigid’s mother dropped by, the dairy was filled with milk and butter. In addition, Researchers and archaeologists discovered cheese was offered to the deities by the builders of the Stonehenge, They studied eating patterns in the Durrington walls which was a settlement in which the builders likely lived, and the researchers and archaeologists noticed that pots in residential areas had residue of meat and pots in ceremonial places had the remains of cheese.

How has cheese impacted society today? Well, with the discovery of cheese, people could eat dairy and have new vitamins and nutrients with calories along with vegetarians having a source of protein, cheese would have different health benefits with each variant and lots of countries made lots of variants. Furthermore, cheese is also quite a well-known cultural export with many countries exporting variants. Along with their good sides, there are some bad sides to cheese, cheese is actually quite bad for climate change. It takes lots of milk to make a little cheese since cheese is solid and dense and milk is a liquid so many cows are needed. Cows produce methane since it’s part of their digestive system which is worse than carbon dioxide so they constantly produce methane which means they hurt the atmosphere.

Overall, cheese has an interesting background and history and it heavily impacts our society right now. Cheese is a very interesting food whether delicious or religious, it changes our history and without it, life would be quite different and would probably be worse. 

Capstone Final Project

Capstone Interview

During the research process of the capstone project, we had to interview an expert on our topic whether that would be a professor, a worker, or maybe a friend’s parent. I felt very angry since my topic was cheese and I doubted that anyone would research cheese and I thought that the interview wouldn’t be useful.

Finding someone to interview was quite troublesome since I didn’t know anyone who knew about cheese and finding questions was even harder. The minimum number of questions was 10 and the maximum was 15. It took me ages and ages to even find a few questions. I decided to put some of my sub-questions in them to hopefully get more specific info. Once my questions were done I went on to find someone to interview. I looked for any articles or websites about cheese and looked for contact information. After a few days of searching, I found an article about cheese that had contact info. I then told my mother to email them hoping for an interview and after a day or so, a person named Amy responded by saying that they could interview by calling them at a certain time which we agreed to.

During the interview, I spoke calmly and every few minutes I said “ok” to make sure that the person I was interviewing was listening. The interview went as expected and I did not get a lot of information but I did get a few good notes such as how in dry climates cows are harder to maintain so which means less milk can be created for cheese. The interview was mediocre but I am thankful Amy decided to take the time to be interviewed. I did learn from the experience about interviewing and although the interview wasn’t very helpful, I became a better interviewer.

Overall, the capstone project is going just as expected for me and if everything goes god, I should have a good Capstone presentation, I hope.

Capstone Blog Post#1

Capstone is a project in 5th grade where you come up with a topic and make a question about the topic and answer it with a tedtalk, an ignite, and a movie video. The whole project is quite stressful and it requires tons of research, for me, it’s a little bit nerve-racking but exciting.

To come up with my topic I wanted to do something simple but with a complicated history and question, I thought of some choices and I chose cheese because it just seemed the best and cheese and it might be an interesting topic to research.

After I chose my topic, we had to come up with main inquiry questions which were our main questions to answer. Once I came up with a good question the teacher would call you over and try to improve the question and make it more broad or narrow. The main inquiry question for me was what is the history behind cheese and how do different cultures incorporate cheese into their lifestyles? It was quite challenging since I had to come up with multiple main inquiry questions and then choose my favorite one.

Sub-questions were made after your main inquiry questions and they were supposed to help guide your research and help answer some of the questions. Coming up with them was a little challenging since you needed 5-6, 2 random sub-questions I came up with were what are the different ways to make cheese, and what is the history of cheese?

Overall, this project so far is seeming very good and I look forward to finishing this project soon.

Immigration Interview Project #2

The immigration project is a project where you have to interview an immigrant from any country, then you must tell their story in WeVideo or Adobe. Many assignments happened to finish the video and after you finish it, you have to create a blog post #2 to explain what you did in the video and how you did it.

After your script and interview were done, the video could be made with WeVideo or Adobe. I first had to ask for pictures of my immigrant to put in the video, when I got the pictures I put them in WeVideo rather than Adobe because I wanted to stick with WeVideo. Then you would record your script and put each picture, not all pictures had to be from them as it could be a stock picture. After editing everything I finished my WeVideo. The most enjoyable part was how just narrating the voice lines was so easy. The most challenging part of the entire project was actually trying to find photos since my immigrant was related to me and I couldn’t contact him a lot so it was quite hard to do it. Although some parts of it were relatively hard, we did a little bit of WeVideo before so it made it a lot easier to do and finish.

I learned from the result of this project is how to interview someone well, you can not be nosy and try to push them to say something, you must be open and calm. I also improved my WeVideo skills. To conduct a good interview you must be isolated so no distractions show, creating the video also helped me improve my skills of editing things and my skills of making WeVideo.

Overall, I think that this immigration project was very nice, it might not have lasted long but it was still very fun and I enjoyed most of it.

Immigration Interview Project #1

The immigration project is a project where you must interview an immigrant with questions prepared and ask them for information. Then create a script of what you are going to say and show for the video. Next, create the on Adobe/WeVideo to summarize the immigrant’s life and all of the important events and things that happened up until today.

When we started, I had to find a person to interview. I decided to choose my dad because he immigrated from China to America. After that you had to create questions, your questions shouldn’t be too nosy or insulting such as instead of, “Why did you lose by so many points?” It could be,” What are some reasons why you lost?” We looked at many sample questions to see what we could add and what we shouldn’t do.

I sat down with my dad in my room and tried to shut off all distractions. We had to record the interview to look for quotes and look for more information. During the interview, you could also write things down or type them on a google document or a notebook. It went alright, my little sister came into my room a lot to look for my dad which was annoying, I learned from doing an interview with my dad how you should shut all distractions, the most interesting answer I got was how my dad was how during the time he was in China, lots of people were poor and in poverty.

Overall, as of right now the immigration project is enjoyable even though I haven’t finished the WeVideo yet. I am enjoying the project right now and I hope that it keeps the same pace.

Rube Goldberg Post #2

The Rube Goldberg project is a project assigned and over the course of a few weeks, we had to create a Rube Goldberg machine and document our process on it. In this blog post, I will be explaining details of the project and some changes throughout the whole story. The project was very fun and I hope that we do it again, maybe.

To understand, a Rube Goldberg machine is a complex machine with various steps and energy transfers to do one action such as getting a plastic bottle into a trashcan which was my task for the project. I watched lots of videos my teacher sent me for ideas and I got some inspiration from them. After the first and second sketch, I actually started building and not testing. I realized that this was way harder and I created a third sketch. The hardest part about this was probably the building, it took very long to get the perfect run. I estimated about 70-120 attempts since I lost count, I changed my 3rd drawing to remove a single step because that was the part that always messed up so it was shorter.

My first sketch had tons of complicated mechanics and had lots of steps, my final one was easier and it had fewer mechanics and steps. I changed a lot of things to be easier since they didn’t work out in testing so my machine was easier and more primitive. When I first tested them out I thought it was going to be very easy, soon I realized this was going to be very hard and I had to think a lot more and use easier steps.

The WeVideo assignment was the second hardest assignment in the project. I had to try and create it in one day since I didn’t know the deadline was coming up so it was rushed a little bit. I had to rebuild my whole machine and get more pictures of everything, I did the project entirely by myself so my video was a bit clunky and my machine is not complex. I decided to have fails, overviews, music, and many more features to try to enhance the video. I decided to not have slow-mo since I didn’t want to have a ton more tries to finally get another perfect run.

Overall, I can conclude that even though this project was super intense and lots of things were extremely hard to do, I had fun in the making of it and I didn’t leave a single bit out. It might have been troubling for me but I enjoyed it and I think it was a good project.


Rube Goldberg Post #1

A Rube Goldberg machine is an overly complicated machine that does one action. It involves a simple machine and a simple machine is a machine that makes a certain action easier to do such as a screw that can hold things together or maybe an inclined plane that is a ramp that helps push things up easier. 

I had to search some internet links to try to find things that I could potentially use in the machine. I used some links that my teacher gave me to help me make simple machines out of materials like making a pulley out of a water bottle. I had to find lots of materials around my house. 

In the beginning, we had to create a sketch of our first version of the Rube Goldberg machine with each step and each simple machine. We needed three simple machines and eight steps to meet the expectations. I tried to figure out what machines I should use for the best and optimal machines for my sketch. I used an inclined plane, a pulley, a screw, and a lever but I realized that the lever would not be very useful so I removed it. The process was really tough and I had to work very hard, I still need to work hard to finish my project. We were then supposed to create 2 blog posts for each period and one wevideo to sum up everything we had done.

The Rube Goldberg project seems very good so far up to this point. I think that this might be the best project in school so far. I hope I finish the project with a great Rube Goldberg machine.

Feature Article Reflection

The feature article was an interesting unit for sure. It was about making an informal article about a topic with a message you want to give to the readers about the topic. I thought about my topic for a while and I came up with 2 good topics, Roblox and Space. Roblox because I like playing it and I’m kind of a veteran since I always loved it as a kid and I kinda knew a lot about it. I chose space since I knew way more about it. It was a little hard to decide the message but I decided for my message to be about how space travel is extremely difficult.

First, we had to start writing one of our body paragraphs, each paragraph had to have details and information about our message and topic. After we all finished our body paragraphs we learned how to do our introductions. It was relatively easy and soon we moved on to the conclusions. The conclusions were pretty hard since we had to summarize everything we just stated. We could also add a link for more information about our topic. I added a link since it was easier and I knew lots of resources. Then we made slideshows of our article and we made formats and things like that to plan out our future article. After that, we started the reflection.

My favorite part was when we started typing our body paragraphs. I just really enjoyed typing for a long period of time. The easiest part was also typing body paragraphs since I just liked typing and adding more info to my content. The hardest part was probably doing the conclusion. It was pretty hard because you had to sum up the message and the topic but also leave the reader with a thought or like an extra resource, but it was still easy. 

This unit was sort of like the personal narrative unit, we made our paragraphs, added our title, and revised and edited. The feature article had more steps than it because we had to make it an article and not just a sheet of paper about a story and we had to do it on an informational topic so it was a little bit harder. I really liked the whole unit and it was super fun.

Reading Timeline Reflection

The reading timeline was definitely an interesting unit for me. We had to make timelines based on what book we each liked at what grade/age. It was a fairly complex project but I finished it with relative ease. To start, we had to each think of 5-10 books. Some people thought of many books while others struggled. I struggled since I wasn’t a reading person and I never really liked reading. After a while, I finally thought of a couple books I could use. Then we needed to make a google doc and copy and paste the pictures into the doc, then we needed to resize them into the best size possible so it could fit into a little paper. For every book, you had to write why it was special to you and what you liked about it. It could be a booklet where you flip over the colored paper with the picture of the book or you could just put the text below the picture. After that, I glued the booklet onto a long strip of paper, added a timeline and the age/grade text, and then added details. After all of that, I finally finished my reading timeline.

The hardest part for me was typing up the text for the books. It took a while typing but after that, I had to wait for it to print out. Everyone had so many questions and things to print out, it took forever for me to get my writing printed out. The easiest part for me was gluing the booklets on my timeline. It was easy because I just liked art and it wasn’t really that hard I guess.


The books I used were Home Of The Brave, Fish In A Tree, Front Desk, Magic Tree House, and The Book With No Pictures. All of them were special to me, some more than others, some different than others but all of them were great.

Personal Narrative Reflection

A while ago I was assigned to do a personal narrative about something I did. It was a pretty tough experience for me but it was all worth it to improve. I originally thought that this was going to be easy but it took longer than expected. I decided that I was going to do my narrative about skiing. I needed enough information, details, and moments to add to my story. I thought about things I could make up, could write about, and couldn’t add. After all of this, I opened up my computer and started typing.

I typed on and on, revising, editing, and adding moments and descriptions to my story. The first few days were simple and easy, start typing and editing and don’t stop until we do something else. I tried to use as much description as I could, like “I was so careless that I then tripped on my own ski and I flew like a frisbee.” After the third and fourth paragraphs, things started to get real. I had to find a point of something in my story and directly focus on it. My point in the story is a lesson I learned. It took me a couple of days to rewrite and revise my story.

After days and days, I finally finished my story with feedback from my friends and teacher. I think I added just enough details to make it good like how I said “I quickly tried to dodge it, I only tripped on my skis again. In an act of desperation I jammed my poles into my skis. It stopped me completely,“ and “I should be more careful next time, I was lucky. I didn’t listen to myself.” and it goes on and on. I think I did pretty good for my first real personal narrative in fifth grade.

My writing has definitely improved from day 1 and I would like to thank my friends, my teacher, and myself for helping me improve. I had some ups and downs while writing everything but it was all worth it just to finish one great story.