Yummy 😋 Pasta 🍝 with pesto!!!


500 g of pasta 🍝

1 basil

3 garlic 🧄

2 tablespoons of pine nuts 🌰

4 tablespoons of olive oil

2 tablespoons of parmesan grated with salt 🧂 and pepper


  1. Detach the basil leaves. Peel the garlic cloves. Cut them in half and remove the germ inside.
  2. To make the pesto, mix the basil leaves and the garlic. Add the pine nuts, oil, parmesan, salt and pepper, and mix well again.
  3. Cook the pasta as directed on the package. At the end of cooking, take 3 tablespoons of water from the pasta and mix with the pesto.
  4. Drain the cooked pasta. Pour them into a bowl, add the pesto and mix well. You can serve with grated parmesan.




Difficulty: medium

Ingredients: PVA glue, tablespoon, teaspoon, cup, contacts lenses, backing soda, food coloring.


  1. Pour about 1/4 PVA glue.
  2. Add a quarter of teaspoon of baking soda into the PVA glue.
  3. Mix the backing soda with the PVA glue together with a spoon.
  4. Add a few drops of food coloring.
  5. Add one tablespoon of contact lenses.
  6. Warning! If your slime look and fells to sticky add some more contact lenses.

How to make a boat ⛵️ in 22 easy step


  1. Paper

Difficulty: hard


  1. Start with your rectangular paper, move it vertically.
  2. Fold the bottom half up to the top.
  3. Fold the bottom right corner over to the left corner and make a small pinch, just enough to crease the paper. Open it back up.
  4. Using the crease as a guide, fold the left and right bottom corners up and to the middle.
  5. Flatten the folded pieces down.
  6. Rotate the paper.
  7. Fold one layer from the bottom up along the bottom of the front flaps.
  8. Flip the paper over to the other side.
  9. Fold the bottom edge up in the same way.
  10. Unfold, and then fold the bottom right corner in along the crease you made.
  11. Repeat on the bottom left flap.
  12. Re-fold the bottom edge back up.
  13. Open the bottom of the model.
  14. Look at the corners. Flatten and then insert the overlapping flap on the left underneath the right section.
  15. Fold one layer up to the top.
  16. Repeat on the back.
  17. Open the bottom of the model.
  18. Pull apart the left and right flaps.
  19. Flatten it out, in the shape of a boat.
  20. Open it slightly. The triangle in the middle resembles a sail.
  21. Try it out on the water.
  22. (bonus)! Make more with different sizes and then do a race. What do you notice?

This was helps with https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/easy-origami-boat-instructions-4057416

How too make a good paper airplane ✈️


  1. Paper
  2. (optional paper clip)
  3. (optional art supplies)


  1. Take the piece of paper 📝 and fold it in half (vertically).
  2. Open it up and fold each of the top corners onto the center line.
  3. Fold the top edges onto the center line
  4. Fold the plane ✈️ .
  5. Fold the wings down, matching the top edges with the bottom edges.
  6. (Optional) with the art 🖼 supplies customize your plane ✈️.
  7. Throw it and watch it soar!

Bonus: with the paper clip at it to a wing. What do you notice when you throw it?