Category Archives: lesson

Armored 🛡cars 🚙, how are they made?

I bet you are wondering 💭 how do many celebrities avoid assassination 💣🔪🧨? Well they have bodyguards💂‍♂️, top notch security, and armored 🛡 cars 🚙. Armored 🛡 cars 🚙  looks 👀  like regular cars 🚙 but there is one ☝️ difference, nearly everything is bulletproof. To make one, first mechanics 🧰👨‍🏭 take a regular car 🚙  and strips it apart 😲!!! After they starts making bulletproof parts such as bulletproof windows 🪟, car doors 🚪, and even tires! The tires are filled with a special material so it can still drive if it is flat. They add ➕ the newly made parts and cover them up With other parts so they won’t be scene 👀. Thanks to that if you shot it or explode it it won’t break!!!

Going high with cloud ☁️ on scratch!!!

Scratch is awesome 😎 right!!! You can make projects, play with them, and even make copies 🖨 of them to change them!!! But did you know that you can make them so that people 👤 can see other people 👤, see the high score 0️⃣0️⃣1️⃣2️⃣, and even interact with them!!! All of this thanks to one ☝️ thing… cloud ☁️. Now I still pretty new to scratch so I can’t get you to the really complicated stuff like adding players to play yet but I can tell you how to  get people👤 high scores into the whole world 🌍 (Dun, Dun, Dun!!!). But before I want to get a quick ⚡️ word. As much as cloud ☁️ is awesome it still has his limits 😢. Cloud won’t work if you haven’t done ✔️ these instructions. First 1️⃣ you need to be signed in (look into my other blogs to know how to sign in). Even after that you need to be a real scratcher. When you are signed in you become a “new scratcher” to become a real scratcher is unclear but you definitely need to:

-Be signed in for at least 2 weeks.

-Love ❤️ and fav ⭐️ a project.

-Comment 💬 on a project.

-And finally share a project.

After these instructions you should probably become a real scratcher and cloud ☁️ should work for you. So anyway to create a high score first you must create a cloud ☁️ variable. To do that make a variable but click the option cloud ☁️ variable. This is the variable that never changes unless you order it to. The first thing you want to do is /on start/set ____(your cloud variable) to _____(your cloud variable)/. After that you need to make another variable the player’s score. Then you put /on start/forever/if ____(the name of the variable for the player score)< ____(your cloud variable) then/change ____(your cloud variable) to ____(the name of the variable for the player score)/. If you get confused 🤷‍♂️ like usual I am putting my example for the scratch project and the examples in pictures 📷!!!


Various variables in scratch!!!

Today we are going to learn about variables. Variables are a block that can add ➕ or subtract ➖ it’s amount to actually make more options. Perhaps next time 🕐 I will explain more of its secrets 🤫 but today I am going to tell you the basics. To make a variable you need to put add ➕ variable. You should name it something appropriate like if that was the amount of points you should put score. The next block is set variable to ___ put the amount the variable you want. So if you put set variable to 3 the variable amount will go to three. The next block is like it besides you add and subtract. So if you put 1 every time you press the space key every time you do it you add the amount of your variable by 1. The next two is show/hide variable. This is if you want to see the amount on the game screen or not. Good luck doing more stuff with it and happy scratching!!!

Messing with messages 📢

On scratch you probably noticed messages📢 right? Well today in this short blog I am going to tell you!!! (Unfortunately I don’t have a game for it 😢 but most of my games have messages in them). Messages 📢 are blocks that can continue one block to the other even if different sprites. If that confuses you don’t worry since I am going to explain it  😳. In meaning, if you put a message 📢 you can continue the action in the same sprite and in different sprites. So if you wanted to make scratch cat 😺say hello 👋  and then gobo say goodbye 👋. You will put on scratch cat 😺 /on start/say hello 👋/broadcast message 📢 ___ (whatever message 📢 you want)/ and on gobo you will put /when I receive  message 📢 / (whatever message 📢 you want)/say goodbye 👋/. I hope 🤞 this helps you understand messages 📢 and happy scratching!!!

Drawing 🖍 on scratch!!!

If you go on scratch you can see on the bottom on all the different types of blocks  this strange 🧐 thing that looks like this . When you click on the sign 🪧 you see different functions that says multiple ✖️ things such as translate 🇨🇾🇬🇶🇫🇴, makey makey, pen ✒️ and much more!!! I know many of these function but today 🗓 I am going to talk about the pen ✒️. Pen ✒️ is the function with the pen ✒️ that is drawing 🖍 multiple colors🏳️‍🌈. To access the pen✒️ all you need to do is click on the function. But first sign in one scratch so you can comment 💬, share your project and much more!!! To sign in go to my blog post and read it. Anyway if you click on the function you will see another category on the category screen 📺 called pen ✒️. The first block is called erase all.  This will make all the pen ✒️ lines — disappear. The next block is called stamp . This will make a copy of the spite  sort of like cloning beside the stamp will only stay were he was stamped. The next two blocks are pen ✒️ up ⬆️ and pen ✒️ down ⬇️. If the pen ✒️ is up ⬆️ then nothing will happen if the sprite moves. However if the pen ✒️ is down ⬇️ then if the sprite moves then there will be a trail of color. The next block is set pen ✒️ color 🔴 to . If you click on the red 🔴 circle 🔘 you can change the color 🔴. This will make the pen ✒️ color 🔴 got to whatever color 🔴 you chose. This is pretty much the same thing with change the color 🔴 to . The next two blocks are the same thing besides instead you change the color 🔴 by using numbers 🔢. I suggest to use the regular way in the begining then after you do it with numbers  🔢. Finally the last two blocks are changing and set pen ✒️ size to ___ this is to decide what pen ✒️ size you want to use the lower the smaller and the higher the bigger the pen drawings is going to be 🖍. I hope you understand the pen ✒️. If not don’t worry 🤯 you can look at my pen ✒️  design on scratch which is the link below:

Happy coding!!!

Lumber industry and how does it work.

Look around your house 🏠. You probably see wooden 🪵 tables , wooden 🪵 floors, and paper 📝. Now look closer. You remark it has that is so smooth a perfectly cut ✂️. You wonder 💭 how did people 👨 do that? The answer is machines 🚜. People cut down trees 🌲 thanks to machines 🚜 and use them to make the wood 🪵 smooth and perfect.
Before, people 👨 had to use axes 🪓 to cut down trees 🌲 and the work was hard 🥵 and dangerous ⚠️ Which could be fatal 😵. Nowadays we use heavy machinery 🚜 to cut them down. With that they move the wood to factories 🏭 before cutting down the branches with the leaves 🍁 to make more trees 🌲. When they get to the factory 🏭 they cut perfectly cut down into perfect 👌 pieces of wood. They get shipped 🚢 to your homes 🏠 to be constructed into furniture 🪑 or more!

How to make a wooden 🏷 puzzle 🧩.

Hello everyone, today I am going to tell you how to make your Very own wooden puzzle 🧩.

Difficulty: easy-medium.


  • A plank of wood 🏷 (the thinner the better!).
  • Either a pencil ✏️, pen 🖋, or a sharpie 🖊.
  • A ruler 📏 (optional but it is better to have it).
  • A paper cutter.


First draw the picture 🎇 you want to make on the piece of wood 🏷.

Next cut the pieces of wood 🏷 into pieces with the help of the ruler (tip: you alway want to go in the direction of the lines in the piece of Wood 🏷!).

Last take out the pieces of wood 🏷 like cutting a piece of kit-kat.

Tada! Your puzzle 🧩 is made!
