A Long Walk to Water

I think that the book A Long Walk to Water was amazing. One of the parts that had the most impact on me was the part when Salva and his dad met up because they did not see each other for 19 years and they thought each other was dead and then they just meet up with each other. Also, I think the part when Salva gets pulled down in the water by the little boy to get saved by a bullet and the little kid was shot had a lot of impact on me too.

I think that the symbolism in this book is with the lost boys of Sudan. for example in the Long Walk to Water, there were planes from America that were going to take Salva from Sudan to America and in The Lost Boys of Sudan, they were going to take The Lost Boys From Sudan To America also when Salva never even saw snow before at all! Also, The Lost Boys of Sudan have never seen snow before at all either.

I think the author wants to convey never give up hope, for example, Salva almost got killed a lot of times but he never gave up hope so look where he is now. He didn’t lose hope when he swam across the river and a boy that was trying to save him died. Also, he did not lose hope when his uncle or his friend Mariel died.


Rocketry Blog Post #1

I think that the process of making the rocket was completely amazing.  But one challenge our group had was the fins, we argued on the fin shape a little and the fin number a lot, for me our inspiration board didn’t really help except for researching about friction and mass, for example, the more mass the object has more friction but if we make our rocket in a certain shape the friction will go around the rocket instead of directly at the rocket. Some objects like ice do not have that much friction, but knowing that did not really help so say bye-bye to that fact. 

We built are rocket nose cone very thin not that big and wide or else well it might fall off and that will not be that good. We had three fins cause it would be more balanced and usually toy rockets have three fins so we chose three fins. We also will choose two fins the second time we make a rocket we will make our rocket have two fins because it will go straighter and if it goes diagonal it will have to go longer and achieve the same height. We also kind of went a little overboard on the tape cause we didn’t want it to fall off.  I think our launch will be average.