Capstone blog post #2

I interviewed Dave Feuerstein because he knew a lot about baseball and he was drafted by the Colorado Rockies in 1995 in the 33rd round of the draft. He is the baseball coach of my baseball team so that is why I wanted to interview him. Another reason I wanted to interview him was that he had a long career in baseball and I thought he would be a good person to interview.

My main inquiry question is How has baseball changed over time? I needed some questions about it so I had to think of some that he could answer. Some of my questions were how have the rules in baseball changed from when you played to now, and what do you think the biggest changes in professional baseball are. Coming up with the questions was kind of hard because I needed sub-questions for my sub-questions so that’s what I think the hardest parts were.

In conclusion, the interview went great and he gave me a lot of information that I don’t think I could have gotten online so that was a big, big part of my capstone project and I think it will help me with my research.

Capstone blog post #1

Figuring out what my topic would be was not that hard because I really like baseball and I wanted to know more about the sport it’s self. When I picked the topic I needed to find out what the main question was going to be so I had to break down overall baseball into tiny things then I got my question. My question is (How have baseball techniques improved over time?) Then I had to dig even deeper into the topic to find smaller questions in the main question called sub-questions.

Now picking my sub-questions was actually harder because I had to find five different ones that had to do with How to have baseball techniques improved over time. Then I had things like how has pitching changed over time and I found all of my sub-questions. Overall I think the rest of the research will be fun because I picked something that I will enjoy because I really want to research baseball, and get to know the sport more.