Capstone #3

For my final Capstone project, I had to write an outline and the main points I was going to say. Then I made that into a script. I wanted to do one continuous video. I looked at the outline and realized I couldn’t do that. This was my only challenge in the whole project. I […]

Capstone 2

For our Capstone, we are supposed to interview an expert. I tried to email two celebrities that I know love baking, but they didn’t respond. I didn’t expect them to. I knew I wanted to interview someone from a local bakery. My teacher and mom helped me pick between Lulu’s Bakery and Riviera’s Bakehouse. I […]

Capstone 1

As fifth-graders, we get to do a super fun project called Capstone. We pick a topic and do research about it. We then make a presentation that answers a question about your topic. I chose my topic because we filled out a form that told us to come up with topics for each question. Then […]

Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday is Martin Luther King day. We will celebrate everything he has done for us as a civil rights leader. He has done many great things. One of his best accomplishments was his “I Have a Dream” speech. He has done other great things like becoming the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference […]

Designing and Building Rocket #2

We began to work on our second rocket. It was hard to only change one thing, because we wanted to change more than one thing. Our second rocket was easier to design then our first, because we copied our last design, and then changed one part, to compare which one was better. The challenging part […]


Hi. I have to write a blog post about rocketry. It is a science unit we’ve been doing for a couple weeks now. We all worked with our tables. An inspiration board is basically exactly what it sounds like. A board that inspires you. We can put quotes, images, diagrams, and sentences. I am supposed […]

Identity Bags & Map

Hi. My teacher told me to write a blog post, so here I am writing a blog post. We did a project called Identity Bags where we put 5 – 8 things in a bag, and then explain to the class why you put those items in your bag. What I found out about myself […]