Capstone #3

For my final Capstone project, I had to write an outline and the main points I was going to say. Then I made that into a script. I wanted to do one continuous video. I looked at the outline and realized I couldn’t do that. This was my only challenge in the whole project. I […]

Capstone 2

For our Capstone, we are supposed to interview an expert. I tried to email two celebrities that I know love baking, but they didn’t respond. I didn’t expect them to. I knew I wanted to interview someone from a local bakery. My teacher and mom helped me pick between Lulu’s Bakery and Riviera’s Bakehouse. I […]

Capstone 1

As fifth-graders, we get to do a super fun project called Capstone. We pick a topic and do research about it. We then make a presentation that answers a question about your topic. I chose my topic because we filled out a form that told us to come up with topics for each question. Then […]

Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday is Martin Luther King day. We will celebrate everything he has done for us as a civil rights leader. He has done many great things. One of his best accomplishments was his “I Have a Dream” speech. He has done other great things like becoming the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference […]

Identity Bags & Map

Hi. My teacher told me to write a blog post, so here I am writing a blog post. We did a project called Identity Bags where we put 5 – 8 things in a bag, and then explain to the class why you put those items in your bag. What I found out about myself […]

“King George, What Was His Problem?”

We are reading a book called “King George, What Was His Problem?” by Steve Sheinkin in class.  I like the way that he tells it with all the details. For example, he says when Paul Revere finishes the Midnight ride he has a snack. A normal author wouldn’t do that. I think this author is […]

Ignite Presentation Review

We did a thing called an Ignite about the American Revolution. We had to write 7 slides about what we did in this unit. They each had to be fifteen seconds, adding up to a minute and forty-five seconds.   I could have done better by speaking louder and slower. Well, too late now. they are […]

American Revolution #1

I am interested in learning more about George Washington’s life. He seems interesting, being America’s first president. I know he fought in the American Revolution, and that he was America’s first president, but not much about his back – story.

Colony Reflection

I learned that getting people to come to a colony is hard because it was hard was that the pictures were not something you would find in a colony. The way that the colony connects to poster is that the job I chose is a job that you would find in the colonies.