January 12

Blog Post 6: My Thoughts on Technology Class

I think that technology class is really fun. I really like how we do hands on activities, and most important, I like how everyone is able to do these activities. I’m a virtual only kid, so I never get to do the science experiments that the kids in class do in science, and I never get to do any of the hands on activities. But in technology, I do get to participate, and the projects that Mr. Calvert has us do are really cool. I thought that our catapult project was really fun, and I was amazed at how much weight my I-Beam could hold. I also thought our discussion about stars and outer space was really cool and interesting. One of my favorite things about Technology, is how we dedicate entire periods to Mr. Calvert helping us with our projects, which I think is very smart. I also think that it was very nice and smart how Mr. Calvert gave us Technology bags with all the supplies we would need in the bag, especially because a lot of people don’t have all the supplies that Mr. Calvert gave us. All in all, I think that Technology class is really fun and awesome.