Capstone Post #1 – Choosing My Topic

Hello and welcome back to the Scarlett Sentinel. It’s that time of the year, capstone is starting! If you don’t know what capstone is then I will tell you. It is a project where we research a topic and then present it. But we also have to do a sight visit and an interview.

Choosing a topic is basically the first step to this project. I had to choose two topics , the one that I want to do and a backup. My number one topic is sports medicine and my number two topic is basketball.

It was a long and hard process to choose my topic. First I had fill out a questionnaire about my interests and my hobbies. Next I had to think of what my top three topics were. At first they were the human body, the history of basketball and acting. But after I learned more about capstone, those three topics changed. They changed to sports medicine, basketball and acting. This process took a lot of thinking, I really had to think about my interest. For me, that was the hardest part of choosing my topics for capstone.

After I changed my top three topics, I had to narrow it down to two. This part of the process also involved a lot of thinking because I had to think about which two topics I was interested in the most. But then I looked into it deeply and thought that I’m not the most interested in acting so I chose for basketball and sports medicine to be my top two topics.

Then the last part was to think about the one that interests me the most, sports medicine or basketball. After a lot of thinking I thought that sports medicine gives me the most interests.

For this project I hope that I can get a good interview and good research. I am exited for capstone and I hope that it will be fun!