Capstone Blog Post #1

Capstone Blog Post #1


For the rest of the year we will be doing a project called capstone it is when we pick a topic and research it more deeply. When we started this unit our teacher gave us a packet to start brainstorming some ideas. At the end of the packet there is a section to put two topic ideas you have mine were Nike, and the evolution of shoes. Then I heard some friends talking about there topics and they sounded good so I can up with one like it, it was how athletes do things in different ways.

Then I thought of another idea sports agents. I think that this is good topic for me. Then we started brainstorming questions for our topics I did it for two topics how athletes do things in different ways and sports agents then I had to choose one and I choose Sports Agents so that is my topic.

Overall picking a topic was really exciting and fun.

Immigration Blog Post #4

Immigration Blog Post #4


I think that this project was fun and was a great experience. One of the hardest challenges was putting together the script and what photos to use. This was hard for me because I did not get that much information on my interview but the stuff that I learned from the interview was very interesting. I am pretty happy with my final video because it is clear and good and I worked hard on it. The change that I would make if I did this project again is to ask more open ended questions to get some more information. But this project has been very fun and interesting and I am happy with how it turned out even if it is not the best. I am excited to show the video to the class get feedback and then watch other people’s Immigration video’s. I think that it will be interesting to watch other people’s Immigration video’s too so that I can learn new stuff about other countries and I will learn more about other people’s stories and compare them to Tsering’s story.  I hope they like my video and think that it is interesting like I do.

Immigration Blog Post #3

Immigration Blog Post #3

One challenge with putting together the video was finding photos that I did not have. If there was a picture that Tsering did not have or give me it was hard to find a picture to put into the video instead of the personal photo. Besides that, it was pretty easy to put together the video because I had photos. But one thing that was a little hard was finding a quiet place to record at school people were talking and at home my brothers were screaming. But I found a solution it was to go into my room and close the door and if I heard my brothers I made them go away. From putting together someone else’s story on Adobe Spark I learned how to do a proper interview and I learned some stuff that is really important and really interesting. It was really easy to get the photos on the video Tsering airdrop them to me and then I just put them in drive and went into Adobe Spark and uploaded them into the video. Putting somebody’s story together is a good experience and I had a lot of fun doing it.

Immigration Blog Post #2

Immigration Blog Post #2


 The next step in this project was to do a interview and I did it and it was a lot easier than I expected because if I missed some stuff that she said all I needed to do is just ask her to say it again. The most interesting thing about the interview is that I learned new stuff about her and her country that I never knew before. There was no issues coordinating the interview because I could do it any day at any time. I learned that Tibet was very scary from this process.

When I was doing the interview I also voice recorded it in case I missed anything and that was very helpful to me because I am a slow typer.  Also doing this interview made me realize how lucky I am and it made me feel bad for some people. This interview was a good experience and I am excited to put together the video. Hopefully the final video turns out good.

Immigration Blog Post #1

Immigration Blog Post #1


When I first found out that I needed to interview an adult Immigrant I thought that I did not know anybody that did immigrated and if I did they might not be alive. So when I got home I asked my mom do we know a adult immigrant I need to interview one for school. At first she did not think of anyone but then she realized our babysitter is a adult immigrant. I thought that it would be really interesting to interview her because I do not know that much about her country her county is Tibet. It would also be really easy to interview her because I can do it almost any day because I see her a lot.  So I thought it was my best choice but one of my only choices.

Coming up with questions for the interview was not that hard for me it was actually pretty easy. This is because whenever I thought of one question it would help me do another question and that question could help me do a follow up question. I think it was also easy to come up with questions because I do not a lot and I can not ask a question that I already know a answer for. So I can do almost any question.

Rube Goldberg Blog Post # 6

Rube Goldberg Blog Post # 6


Overall I was really happy with my Rube Goldberg machine. It took a lot of patence and determination. But it all worked out I got it to work and it only took me 26 tries. It was a lot of fun and I am proud of my work. I learned that I like working by myself more then in groups. Because you can do it and nobody has to agree with me.

I also learned that I like doing science projects and I am really exided to do more projects like this in the future. Finally I am exided to show my final video to the class I hope they like it.


Rube Goldberg Blog Post # 5

One of the most challenging parts of this project was sticking with and not getting frusterated after so many failed attemps. Because I like to get things done qiuckly and this is a type of project where you have to be patient. It was a lot of trial and error after the 20th time I wanted to give up but I stuck with it.

Also sometimes there would be a lot of careless mistakes. Such as the dominoes were not lined up, the car was not lined up or even the balloon was not lined up. One time I moved the balloon by accident and put it back in the wrong place. But I finally got it to work on my 26th try.

Rube Goldberg Blog Post #4

Rube Goldberg Blog Post #4


As I was testing my machine there was many challenges. One of the challenges is that it was hard to get all eight steps to work together. A lot of times one step would work but it curved in the wrong direction. Also it was hard to get the first step to line up straight in front of the yoyo.

Another challenge was how high to put the board games so that the ramps were at the correct angle. It was hard to make the surfaces straight and balenced. Also sometimes I got very close to completing my Rube Goldberg. Because the eraser with push pins would drop but not right on top of the balloon so it would not pop.  I think I am getting close I hope it works.

Rube Goldberg Blog Post #3

Rube Goldberg Blog Post #3

When I was building I had to think about what materials I would use. I decided to use board games as a flat surface, and cardboard boxes as a ramp. Then I needed a toy car , slinky, toilet paper roll, dominoes, and water bottles . We also used tissue boxes and packaging boxes as something to keep everything balanced to make sure everything was on a flat surface.

When I started to build it took me a while to set up the dominoes it took me a while because whenever I touched a domino all of the dominoes would fall down. It was also really hard to rap the rope around the cap of the water bottle.

Hopefully my final machine will turn out good and work.

Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2

Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2

My plan for my Rube Goldberg is to pop a balloon. While I was starting to plan I also tested to make sure some steps would work. I spent 15 minuets testing on the last step to make sure what would work and pop the balloon. I figued out how to make the balloon pop as long as the steps before the last step work.

I am having a lot of fun working on my Rube Goldberg machine. Sometimes I would wish that I had a partner but I think that working by myself is working pretty well for me so far because nobody has to agree with me I could just do it. Now I am up to building my Rube Goldberg I hope that it turns out to work. My goal is to make my Rube Goldberg work. I also hope that I get a clear video.