Capstone Blog Post #3


For Capstone this year, I have chosen to do a TedTalk because I like talking in front of people instead of making a video because I feel like when you talk live, you hear more personality. I think this for two reasons, you can hear the person’s voice tone better and when you are doing a video, you have music in the background so it is not boring but, in a TedTalk you don’t have music so it is up to you to make it sound better.

My favorite part about making my final project was writing the script. It was my favorite part because I like writing and I thought that it was fun making the facts into a script, figuring out what I wanted to share and putting personality in it. I also thought that making the slides was fun because all the dogs in the pictures were doing really cool things and the dogs were also really cute.

I only encountered one big challenge, shortening my script because I had so much research that I had to cut a lot of it. At first my script was ten pages and now I made it seven. It is still really long but it is less than five minutes and thirty seconds so it is ok.

I am half excited and half not excited about sharing my presentation because I think that the script incorporates many cool facts and the pictures really resemble what I am talking about. I am not too excited about sharing because though I added a lot of personality, I have a lot of facts and I hope it is not boring. Overall, I really enjoyed Capstone and am going to be sad when it is over.