My experience in Technology

I think that this class was a great quarterly and I learned a vast amount of things.  I learned about the ways of the universe and, to be more specific atoms, building and energy. We have done many experiments. I don’t have a specific favorite but I really liked the static energy balloon assignment and the Catapults. I think that the best part was learning about philosophical theory’s about the universe and getting very deep into the conversation. One thing that I am going to remember is how atoms are made of electrons. Another is how protons and neutrons work. I really love this class.


This week in Technology, we created breadboards. Breadboards are used to make a circuit lighting up the LED light. The materials that we needed were, a breadboard, wires, a LED light and a resistor. First, we had to cut two wires four inches long and then strip half an inch. Next you stick the LED light into the breadboard and connect both strings to it, one on the positive side and one on the negative side. Finally, we connect the resistor and the LED will light up.  This is because it is a full circuit. I think that this was a fun project and I learned a lot from it.


This week in tech, we created electroscopes. The materials needed was a balloon, a glass, tinfoil, a paper clip and cardboard. Fist you had to get your cardboard and cut a circle and cut a line through it until you get to the middle. Next, cut your tinfoil in to two tear drops. Stick the paper clip through the hole and put the teardrops on there. Tape that onto the top of the glass. Then rub the balloon on a sweater or your hair and bring it close to the glass without touching. This will make the test drops move. I think that they move because the energy is creating a change in direction from the electrons and they are resisting the pull.

Building our cranks

I found that building my crank was very challenging for many reasons. I lost a few of the pieces and had to make them out of paper. I also think that the pieces got stuck a lot in the holes so they had to be fiddled with. Those two things made it much harder. I do think that even though it was challenging, it was fun. I put a little polar bear at the top and it finished the whole thing. Luckily, it worked even though there was a lot of editing. I think that it does help to know this because it is important in life. I would probably do this again.


A few weeks ago in tech, we made catapults. I made one of my own design and it was pretty simple. The materials that I used were popsicle sticks, rubber bands and a bottle cap. I got a bouncy ball and used that for my material that I was going to catapult. This was all based of what we learned before about a lever, there is a effort arm which is the input, a load arm which is the output and the fulcrum. I did the experiment in my living room because it is one of the biggest rooms and the ball went more than halfway across. Overall, I think that it went very well. The only thing that I would change is I would make sure that it was easier to pull back the load.

Outer Space In Tech

In Technology class, we have had many conversations about outer space. We have learned about the technology that is sent into space and how it works. One thing that we learned was how one of our creations, they fastest moving object we have ever created, ventured outside of our solar system. It was a huge accomplishment because it took 35 years for this to happen. We have also learned about what the universe is made of and how many galaxies we know of which is estimated to be 200 billion. The last thing that we discussed was the milky was and how it works. The Milky Way is spiraled shape and whenever we see a milky stripe in the sky, that is it. I really enjoy talking about space in this class.