The History of Typography

During our class time in computer lab, Mr. Casal showed us a video about the history of typography. After watching this video I learned that there were a lot of types of style letters. I also learned that some kinds of type faces are old style, modern, gill sans, helvetica, pixel type.

Why I like the video is because all of the pictures are cut out of colored paper. I though the video is unique because nobody was in front of a camera it was also a different style then most videos. I like that they said what the names of the people that made the different styles of letters like William Caslon.


Here is the video we watched:

The History of Typography by Ben Barrett-Forrest from Dezeen on Vimeo.







2 thoughts on “The History of Typography

  1. SM, I like your blog post because you listed all of the type faces you learned. I also liked it because you described how detailed it is.

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