The Big Blue

The Big Blue

It is right here

right in front of me

The waves are crashing like big monsters

Then you go deep down

Down into his heart and find good

The coral as colorful as a rainbow

Fish are swarming around me in a hurry

Peppy dolphins are jumping all day

Till the afternoon

Then night

The Big Blue

Plant Blog Post 2

In science we have been doing a project about plants. I will be telling you about my plants.

I will first tell you about my controlled plant.  My controlled plant looks healthy with only a few yellow leaves but mostly green. Today the biggest plant was 11cm and the smallest plant was 5 cm. On my controlled there are some big leaves which have a smooth feel and some small leaves which have a rough feel. My controlled has been growing slowly but it is ok. There  are little yellow flowers. It has grown pretty tall since the start.

My manipulated plant is dying slowly. The color is green with more yellow leaves than usual. The biggest plant is 8cm. The smallest plant is 5cm. The plant droops a lot. At the start it was doing well, until we added fertilizer. There are little yellow flowers. The are still little buds.

My controlled is doing well because it has the right amount of fertilizer My manipulated is probably not doing well because it does not the perfect amount of fertilizer.





Plant Blog Post 1

In science we are doing a plant project. My group and I had to think of a question. When we thought of it we would do it on one of our plants. Our question was what would happen if we add fertilizer? We also made a hypothesis and mine was ‘’it might stop growing and the leaves will turn brown because once I spilled to much food in my fish tank and the two of the fish died, so maybe it would be the same for the plant.’’ There are two plants that we have, they are controlled and manipulated. Controlled has water, air, sunlight , soil and fertilizer. My manipulated one has everything but more fertilizer. So we are manipulating the soil.

After the first week I am noticing that the plants are growing and that they seem to be doing well. The color is green. The controlled is doing a bit better than the manipulated because it is more upright. The soil is very moist from watering it. There are some little leaves and some big. The bigger leaves are smooth and the small are ruff. I noticed that the manipulated is not looking great. I wonder why and if my prediction is right.


Maglev Train Final Design

For our maglev train we used six strip magnets. We three one the train and three on the track.  We new that the more the magnets the better the magnetic field and that would help more marbles stay on the train. So we put three magnets on the train and track instead of two.

What failed was a lot of magnet stacked on top of each other because it made a gap witch attracted the magnets on the train. What we learned was don’t stack magnets on top of each other and be careful where you put them. What we did about this failure was we took four magnets of.

What we learned about the engineering design process was you can almost never succeed on your first try. It is very frustrating. I also learned think before you do something. Working with partners are easier than working alone. Working with them is also fun. It is good to connect your idea and there’s. It’s being a good partner when you encourage them.

Reflection Day One

A maglev train is a train that levitates with magnets that repel. The train goes fast because it has less friction. The poles repel when north and north or south and south face each other.  For the track and train we put strip magnets on the train and the track.

What failed on Friday was the magnets were overlapping and that the magnets were in the wrong places. That kept the train from levitating.

My group is very helpful and nice when we were working. They were especially good at filling me in.



These are some people in my group.

Technology is …

What makes something technology? I think technology is something that solves a problem. Like a basket helps you carry something.




My object is technology because it helps you. It is also man made. If something is man made and solves a problem it is technology. It is like a better version of just looking with your eyes.

My object helps you see thing closer. Imagine seeing a cool ant, you feel ”Oh” I want to see it closely, that’s when you need a magnifying glass.

My object makes life easier because it is small so you can carry it instead of a huge microscope. If it is small it can have more then one lens so you can see different size objects.

My object improved on a microscope. Microscopes are to big and don’t make any sense to use if you have a small magnifying glass.




Expert Book – Manhattan

My expert book is called Manhattan. I choose this topic because I lived in Manhattan for five years and I want to share about it.

It was hard work to write this because we had to see what we know most about. Then we picked our chapters and wrote our book. Then we went to the computer lab and we went on Google Slides. We typed our books and added photos, captions, maps, labels and fun facts.

I liked adding text features, especially the photos. It was hard choosing your topic because you know so much about different things and you had to choose the thing you knew the most about.

Enjoy my book!