Archive of ‘Rocketry’ category

SpaceX Launch

In school today we watched the SpaceX Launch. The Rocket that Elon Musk launched was called the Falcon Heavy. Musk is the founder, and CEO of the company Tesla. He is and engineer, investor, and an inventor. Musk was planning on sending a rocket into space with a car he invented inside the rocket, the car he sent into space was a Cherry Red Tesla Roadster. The boosters of the rocket were supposed to come back down and land on a pad. Two of the boosters made it and the third one ended up in the ocean, so two of them could get cleaned up have some parts replaced and it is as new so it can be used for the next rocket. Falcon Heavy is supposed to get alternated and could possibly take passengers all over the world wherever they want to go in less than an hour.

The SpaceX Launch was historic because it was the first rocket to use recycled boosters and have them land and they can be used again. I had already watched a video on Falcon Heavy with my dad, he told me that Elon Musk had designed the rocket, I was so surprised but I had already known that Elon Musk would have that sort of that technology. I thought that it was amazing and very advanced. The one thing that I want to know is if they are going to send another rocket into space and if people are going to be allowed to go into the rocket to take a trip in outer space!

Final Rocketry Reflection

In our science unit, in school we have been working on designing, building, launching, and reflecting on three rockets that we made in class out of construction paper or card stock. In my class we all got split up into teams created a slideshow to explain what we learned throughout the rocketry unit. My team included, Jordan, Leo, Nate, and I.

In this rocketry unit I have learned a lot about designing, building, and launching rockets. We learned how to make our rocket more aerodynamic and how to cut drag. We were able to improve our design based on the previous launches. For our first launch we had wide fins and a flat nose cone. However, we later learned that a pointy nose cone and small thin triangular fins made the rocket more aerodynamic. Also while building our third rocket we realized that we needed strong paper for the body of the rocket. All these adjustments really helped our group build a better rocket.

My team and I worked well but at the same time it was challenging. What my team and I did well together was compromising and letting each other share ideas. What me and my team didn’t do so well was staying on track and getting things done on time. When we were creating our slideshow two of my group members didn’t cooperate and the rest of my group had to do most of the work. From this group dynamic I have learned that I am anxious to get the work done.

While doing this project I learned that working as a team takes compromise and presenting takes practice and determination, i learned that I should practice my lines more, be completely prepared, and be confident. I also learned that in a group you have to be patient and cooperate with each other. In the next group activity I will let others speak and stay on track!


Book Clubs: Dounthead – Jot 1

Franklin is always careful. He try’s to evode anything that can hurt him. He complains that his arms and legs are different lengths from each other (one is longer than the other). He never wants to find the good things in his life he just looks on the negative side. His mom doesn’t have a husband anymore, and when shes on dates Franklin always bombards them with questions about safety. He wears clothes that shows no skin at all so he doesn’t infected, sick or touched. He is never not careful and bullies teas him about that. He thinks about everything that could ever hurt him. He will never go in water or cross the street alone. He doesn’t have any friends because he is so careful. Sarah Kervick is new to the school and Franklin and her are friends now but she is not the nicest person. She is the exact oppisite of Franklin, she roughs it up all the time and he is always careful. She blocks his protective layer (his jacket). Franklin and Sarah aren’t the most easy going kids.