Post #5 – Flashlight progress

My flashlight is almost finished! The design is a black base, and the bottom and top pieces are silver. I will probably draw a flame on it. It is pretty big, but the painting process is frustrating. The black part of my flashlight keeps chipping, so i have to do a BUNCH of coats. (Which still isn’t helping.) hopefully I can get it done.

Post #4 – Projects

In tech, I have finished a few projects. Some of them are switches, a pendant, and a ring (in progress). The pendant looks like a wave. I made it for my mom, who loves the ocean. She loves the beach, ocean animals, and even the water itself. Another project was my three switches. Yesterday, we played a game with them. It was so fun! My last project, which is still in progress, is my ring. I    Am planning on putting a crystal or pretty charm on it.