Homework: Short and Shorter Stories

Post both versions of your “funny moment” story — 50 words or fewer and 25 words or fewer. This is more about showing how we can tell the same story concisely…and less about your comedic talents!


12 thoughts on “Homework: Short and Shorter Stories

  1. 50 Words:
    At dinner the other night, three year old Moze told his father, Mitch, that he was a “stinky poopyhead.” I replied, “Moze, we don’t name call each other names in this family.” Mitch added, “Yeah, that’s not funny.” Moze paused and responded, “Well…..it’s a little bit funny.”

    25 Words:
    Preschooler Moze: Daddy, you’re a poopyhead. Me: No name-calling in this family.
    Mitch: That’s not funny.
    Moze: Well…..it’s a little bit funny.

  2. Hilly, winding, dark, unmarked upstate roads. Bordered by trees, cows, and more trees. A Subaru filled with Erigos…lost. Trying to find their way to Oneonta. Poppa Erigo frustrated, commenting. Yet another U-turn. Then another. Same cows? Or different? Mama and daughter Erigo, hearty laughter, tears. Oneonta? Two hours later.

    Dark, unmarked upstate roads. Erigos in a Subaru, lost. Oneonta? No, U-turn. Then another. Poppa, frustrated. Mama and daughter, laughter, tears. Oneonta? Two hours later.

  3. My lol moment comes from watching my one year old respond to the sounds of music playing. After she processes the music playing, she slowly, like Gerald from Giraffe’s Can’t Dance, starts to bounce on her knees. She pops to her feet and then bops to the beat with a huge grin.

    Chubby cheeks grinning…boom boom of the tune…bouncing on those toddler knees…dancing like no one is watching…chubby cheeks grinning

  4. 25 Words

    The last time I laughed, really hard was when I watched this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT7-k_PLKh8, then this… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rU4fiMRJXm8

    50 Words

    The last time I laughed out loud, really really hard, was when my fiance and I were sitting on my couch having a “TV Dinner”. He said he wanted to show me something that he had been working on at work today. To my surprise, he brought up a youtube video of Family Feud’s greatest fails. It was hilarious!

    By Michelle Lian

  5. Once when I was reprimanding my daughter for not loading the dishwasher, she started to make up excuses as to why she couldn’t do it. Just as I was yelling at her, my husband innocently walked into the kitchen. My daughter looked at him and said “he had two ice creams for dessert!”

    My daughter was in big trouble. She tried diverting attention away from her by pointing at her dad and saying, “He had 2 ice creams for dessert!”

  6. 48 words:
    In December, I flew home from Edinburgh. I watched the movie, Me Before You. I had headphones on and just suddenly burst out laughing. Ian said, ‘shhh…’ nudging me, indicating the other passengers. But I still couldn’t help it. I laughed until tears flowed. Until the story changed…

    24 words:
    December, flying home from Edinburgh, watching Me Before You. I laughed, loudly. Ian said, ‘shhh…’ I laughed until tears flowed. Until the story changed…

  7. I recently went out to dinner with my husband. We went to “Wild Ginger” (great place!) in Bronxville. When the waitress came over to take our orders she looked at Eddie and asked, “soup or salad?” “What’s a super salad,” Eddie asked. Eddie’s hearing isn’t the best ☺

    I went to dinner with my husband. The waitress asked Eddie, “soup or salad?” “What’s a super salad?” he said. My poor husband’s hearing ☹

  8. he last time I laughed out loud was yesterday( January 25,2017. I tripped on a child’s supply box during an STA meeting. I grabbed onto a colleague who luckily broke my fall. I was mortified and needed to hide my embarrassment. I laughed to lighten the moments. Unfortunately, nobody else laughed !

    * I confess, this was not a full blow, “belly” laugh.

    I tripped on a student’s supply box. Embarrassed, I laughed to lighten the mood.

  9. It’s Monday at 7:30 pm, baby girl’s 2nd birthday. Ready to sing and blow out the candles. “It’s my birthday” she yells. “Go Away, John” she screams at big brother.

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