Ignite Reflection

Hi, I’m Sofia,

When Mr.Casal first introduced us to an ignite I was really confused. But then when he started to explain what it was, I started to understand it a little better. After that, we had to think of a topic for our ignite. I was thinking of a bunch of topics, but I just didn’t like them. Thinking of a topic took a bit of time, but I eventually got one, I did my ignite about my camp.

After I got my topic, I started writing. The writing wasn’t that hard, because I knew about my camp. But what was hard, was getting the ignite on the right timing. Once we finished writing we started to time our slides. The timing was really hard because if you forget one word, the whole thing would be off timing. This was really stressful for me. I had a lot of writing and I had to fit it all into, 1 minute 30 seconds. Also, we only had 1 more week, to work on this project.

Then we had to present our project, in front of the whole class. I was so nervous. Mr.Casal said, “raise your  hand if you want to go first.” Nobody raised their hand. So then Mr.Casal decided to call on someone. He called 0n me! I was so nervous, but I still went. It wasn’t so bad, he just gave me a few corrections when I was done. He told us we could start to find pictures for our Ignite. This was probably my favorite part of this whole Ignite.

Once that was all done, Mrs.Rickard said we had to do a group ignite, about natural disasters. I was kind of nervous but not as nervous as the first Ignite. Once Mrs.Rickard told us about the group Ignite, we got the natural disaster we had to research on. My group was Tsunamis. Then we had to pick between the Causes, Effects, Saftey and Prevention, and Important events of Tsunamis. I decided to pick important events. After we did all of that, we started researching.

Once we finished researching, we started to gather all our information and write it into a script. This was hard because I had so much information and I had to cut it all into 30 seconds. We also had to time it to make sure both slides were 15 seconds each, and 30 seconds altogether. Once we got the timing, we had to practice. But when I say practice I mean, Practice! We practiced a lot but, I think It all paid off.

It was finally the day. We had to present our slide show in front of all the parents. But the thing is, Mr.Casal put them all together so it was a huge slideshow, and there was no stopping. I was really nervous. There were so many parents, and if we don’t finish on timing, then it could ruin the whole entire presentation. Eventually, it was our turn to present. We had 15 seconds to get in front of the screen, and then we had to start talking. Once we finished I was feeling proud. I think everybody did a good job, including me.

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