Constitution Project Research

My research question is, What was Rosa Parks’s role in the Civil Rights Movement? I researched this question and it came with a lot of good information. But sometimes it was hard to find it. When I was looking at the articles they all said very similar things. It was a bit hard to find new information, but once I did it started to get easier. I tried to make sure not to write the same information down, doing this was a big challenge because you sometimes forget what you write. Even though there were a lot of things that were tough, I really enjoyed researching. Learning new facts about Rosa Parks’s and seeing more into her life. Overall researching came with a lot of challenges, but was still a lot of fun.

My 2020 Ups and Downs

2020 came as a surprise! I have had Ups and Downs! Downs, Covid came, and I didn’t get to see my friends or most of my family for six months! But an up about Covid is I got to spend a lot of time with my family! A Down is my Grandma passed. But an up is that I improved a lot at Skating (the sport I do). A down is all competition got cancelled! But I still got to practice! School got cancelled and we had to go all virtual! But then we went back to school! Overall 2020 wasn’t the best year, and I can’t wait to go into 2021!