Argument and Advocacy Debates

Hello! We did a debate. My group was, Should plastic bags get banned or Should plastic bags not get banned? For the first practice debate I did, plastic bags should not be banned. Researching this wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. I found a lot of good information the first time around. When I did the first debate it was very scary. I had no clue what it would be like, but in the end it was a lot of fun. For the second practice debate I did, plastic bags should be banned. Finding information wasn’t very hard this time either. It was less scary presenting it this time than the first time, but it was still scary. For the final debate I did, plastic bags should not be banned. Finding information was a piece of cake, since I had already researched both sides. I made flash cards and those helped me a lot. Once it was time to debate it was very scary, but it all ended up well and I had a lot of fun debating. My thoughts changed by the end of the debate, I thought 100% plastic bags should be banned, but now that I got to research both sides, I am now thinking that we shouldn’t ban plastic bags!

3 thoughts on “Argument and Advocacy Debates

  1. Sofia I really like this. I really liked how you explained what the whole project was. You were also very detailed. Good Job on your review!

  2. I think you did a really good job! I liked how you explained every step and in a lot of really good details. You explained it very well good job.

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