Reflection on Immigrant Interview

For my interview I interviewed my dad. I learned a lot about him and his background. I also learned a lot about his life when he first came here to America. He told me a lot of stories about his life and how there were a lot of challenges that he had to face when he first got here. I interviewed him in person so it was much easier and I could understand everything he was saying. I recorded it so I could always listen back. Recording really helped me in the long run because there were a few things that I missed but then could just listen back too. After I interviewed my dad I got a lot of pictures of him that could help me understand some of the stories that he told me. Thinking of the questions was a bit difficult though since you had to get questions that you would get long and detailed answers too. For a good amount of my questions I would just get a yes or no question and that wouldn’t help me, so I had to modify these questions into questions that I could get a long and detailed answer too. I had a lot of fun interviewing my dad and I now just want to learn more!

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