Messy Science Sugar Experiment

Today we had a thing called MESSY SCIENCE. It is exactly what it sounds like. First, we had a little discussion about what we were going to do and talk about Hypotheses. What we were going to do was mix sugar with different liquids and make a hypothesis of what we thought was going to happen. The liquids we were mixing with sugar was Water, Oil, and Vinegar. After our talk, we went to our tables and started the experiments. First, we got the sugar, we had to get 4 tsp of sugar. Then we added food coloring to the sugar, we chose our sugar to be red, the food coloring made the sugar all sticky so it turned into a ball of sugar. Then after I mixed all the coloring into the sugar it stopped being sticky. We chose to mix the sugar and the oil first. Our hypothesis on this was that the sugar was going to go to the top and the oil was going to turn dark because of the coloring. But instead, it did the exacted opposite of what we guessed would happen. All the sugar went to the bottom and the oil didn’t even turn the slightest bit of red. Then we decided to mix Sugar and vinegar (Which smelled terrible). We made the exact same prediction for the vinegar than we did for the oil. And guess what happened, it turned out exactly how we predicted. Then was sugar and water. We made the prediction the sugar would just float around but the color would turn completely red. And what happened was 50% of our guess the water turned red but the sugar didn’t float around. I say we did pretty good on our guesses but that is all that happened today at MESSY SCIENCE

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