My 2020 Ups and Downs

2020 came as a surprise! I have had Ups and Downs! Downs, Covid came, and I didn’t get to see my friends or most of my family for six months! But an up about Covid is I got to spend a lot of time with my family! A Down is my Grandma passed. But an up is that I improved a lot at Skating (the sport I do). A down is all competition got cancelled! But I still got to practice! School got cancelled and we had to go all virtual! But then we went back to school! Overall 2020 wasn’t the best year, and I can’t wait to go into 2021!

The Election 2020

If I could vote for president I would vote for Joe Biden. This is because Joe Biden’s running mate is Kamala Harris, a girl. If Joe Biden is president, America would have a better perspective of things because there is a woman in government. If people then like how Kamala is Vice President, maybe a woman would run for president and we would have the first woman president. Also, Joe Biden stands for Racial Justices, he says that it is a problem that needs urgent attention. Why I wouldn’t vote for Trump is because he separated many families, and 545 of the kids still don’t know where their parents are. That is a massive problem. Another reason why I wouldn’t vote for Trump is that he sent police officers to Portland, Oregon to break the rallies there. and local officials say that officers detained people and sparked violence. Trump did not do anything about this, he just let it slide. This is why I would vote for Joe Biden.