Rube Goldberg Process

The Rube Goldberg project so far has been so much fun! First lets start off with how the whole idea started. First I had to think of the simple task, and then I would go backwards. I had some trouble figuring this out, but then I started thinking of things that I do everyday! One of those things is having cereal for breakfast! I thought that my simple task would be pouring milk into a bowl of cereal! Next I had to start thinking, so I made a very messy sketch, but then I noticed that a lot of things I had in this sketch would probably not work. So I decided to make another sketch! Once I made that sketch I went to go get the supplies that I needed for it, and then I started building! About a quarter way through the process I noticed that this wasn’t going to work. All of the steps were so complicated and it would maybe have taken 100 plus tries! I made one final sketch and that is the one that I am building right now! I think this one is going to work, and i’m not going to have that much trouble with this one! So far the building process has been hard, and has needed lots of tape. I am excited to see what the final results are going to be like, and how many tries it is going to take to complete the whole thing! I hope that there will be more fun coming with this project, and I am very excited to see how it turns out!

Here is my sketch!