Rube Goldberg Reflection

We recently finished our Rube Goldberg project! This is probably my favorite project we have done so far! I really liked thinking about a way to make a whole machine just to do a simple task. Now let’s start from the beginning. When we got introduced to this project I was so excited! I saw my brothers do it and I couldn’t wait until it was my turn. First thing we had to do was research and start planning out our sketch for our contraption. This was a bit difficult. But the research was a lot of fun to do! We researched on simple machines, and learned about some everyday objects that are simple machines. Like a car for example, a car is a wheel and axle! That is actually one of the simple machines I used for my contraption. I used a toy car! I also used a ramp, which is an inclined plane. The last simple machine I used was a lever! This might surprise you, but dominoes are actually a lever! After  researching I really started to focus on the sketch, my sketch changed three times throughout the project. My first contraption had around 25 steps! And half of the steps seemed impossible! So I switched it up, but there were a few parts that still just didn’t make any sense to me! Then finally I got it! I made my sketch and it was time to start building! Originally I wanted my simple task to be knocking down a milk jug and letting it fall into a bowl of cereal. But then I noticed how hard that was going to be! So I changed it to just putting cereal into a bowl, which was much easier! Since the simple task is in the end, I only had to make a few modifications to my build, and then it was time to start testing. My whole machine took only 11 tries! I was extremely surprised, since I knew that for a lot of people it would take more than 20 tries! Plus most of my failures weren’t very annoying, and I usually didn’t have to put anything back up. I did have one or two where all of my dominoes knocked down, or only a few of them knocked down. Once it worked I had to make the video! Which surprisingly wasn’t hard at all! I finished it in two days, I expected it to take a lot longer! Overall I had a lot of fun with this project, I can’t wait for more to come!

Here is my video and my sketch!