Capstone Blog Post #2

For our Capstone project we have to do an interview that will help us with our research and to learn more about our topic. My topic is, Disney princesses, and my main inquiry question, the question that drives all my research is, “How have Disney princesses evolved, and how have they impacted girls and boys around the world?”

When my teacher told me that we had to do an interview, I was scared. I had no one to interview, and I was getting a bit worried. My mom then told me that my friend’s mom started to work at Disney! I got so excited because I knew that she would probably be a good interview for me, and would help me with a lot of my research. I interviewed Lisa Fragner, vice president of Disney television.

When I emailed her I got super nervous, I was worried that she was not going to be able to do the interview, and that I wouldn’t have somebody to interview. But once I emailed her, she replied right away! I got super excited to open the email because I think that she could really help me learn more about how they have impacted girls and boys around the world. I opened and she said yes to doing the interview. We started arranging a date. This part was hard since a lot of the dates that she was free I wasn’t and vice versa. We then settled the date as Monday, May 10th, at 4:00pm. 

Once I got the date I started brainstorming interview questions. We had to have 10-15 questions.Coming up with the questions wasn’t hard for the first 8 questions, but then I started to get worried, and I couldn’t think of any other questions. So that is where my teacher helped me. She helped brainstorm new questions, and helped me make the questions that I already had even better. Once I finished meeting with my teacher, I had 12 questions. But during my interview I noticed that some of the questions didn’t make any sense, and that for one of my questions it would sound better if it was combined with another question. So I ended up having 10 questions, instead of 12. 

 Here are all of the questions I used in my interview


  1. Please describe what you do at Disney.
  2. What do you enjoy the most about your job?
  3. What is the most challenging and/or least favorite part of your job?
  4. Who was your favorite Disney princess when you were growing up and why?
  5. Which Disney princesses do you admire now, as an adult?  Why?
  6. What are three main ways Disney princesses have evolved?
  7. Which Disney princess evolved the most compared to the first Disney princess Snow White and why?
  8. What impact have Disney princesses made on girls and boys around the world?
  9. What is your favorite movie that you have worked on and why?
  10. How has COVID affected the ability of children around the world to access Disney movies?

Once it was the day of my interview, I got super nervous because I was scared I was going to mess something up. But once Lisa called I calmed down, and my interview was super fun! She was so kind and very helpful. She also had an answer for all of the questions that I asked her! Some of my favorite facts that I learned were, 

A lot of people couldn’t go to the theaters to watch movies, so that’s when streaming platforms, like Netflix and Disney+ became very popular. You can watch pretty much anything, whenever you want. But a lot of kids don’t have access to streaming platforms, so they couldn’t watch whatever they wanted whenever they wanted.

The main thing that she does at her job is, finding stories for them to turn into an animated film. She could find the story from pretty anything! The radio, newspapers, magazines, books, and much much more!

Disney princesses before mainly focused on the princess needing a prince to save them, and that is one of the main ways that Disney princesses have evolved. Also for a long period of time they were all white. But they have changed because they started to be more diverse, there are Black Disney princesses, Native American, Asian, Arabian, and more!

Overall the process of doing the interview, and then actually doing the interview was a lot of fun. I learned a lot of cool new facts that are really going to help me with my research! I can’t wait to put everything together and see how my essay and my final project turns out once it is put together!


Reflection on Immigration Video

This project in general was so much fun, but it was hard. Everything that I had to do in this project was fun but came with lots of challenges. But I really enjoyed it because I got to learn so much more about my dad, he was my interview. He told me stories and I also got to see a lot of cool new pictures of him! He told me about the challenges he had to face, he also told me about some of his favorite memories, how his life is now and so much more! Something that I found very challenging was making the video. I had a lot of trouble finding the perfect pictures to use. I also had so much information and I wasn’t sure how to fit it all in. Looking for the pictures was very hard because I had to find the perfect picture that fits what I am saying. Making the script was also hard. I had a lot of trouble making it all make sense and be able to tell the story in a detailed way. When I was making my script, I made a narrative first. When I was making the narrative I thought that I had to keep writing more and more because I thought I didn’t have enough. But I actually wrote so much that I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to fit it all into the script. Something that I always find challenging in making We Videos is the transitions. This is challenging for me since you can’t have all of the same transitions for each picture, but then you also can’t have different transitions for every picture. So what I did to help me with this is, I picked three transitions that I would use throughout the whole video, and I think that really helped me. Something else that I found hard was putting the text on the photos. You couldn’t have text on every photo since it would be to much. But then you also can’t have it on no photos since it would look plain. You have to be able to find the perfect balance, which is sometimes very hard to find. The voice over was really hard. The voice over for this project was probably the hardest thing for me. It was hard to fit all of the words I was trying to say and make sure that it matches up with the picture. Something that happened to me on the day that it was due was when I was editing it and checking it over, something happened and my whole presentation diapered. I couldn’t find it and I thought I had to do it all over again, but I knew I didn’t have time for that. I did get it all back, but this made me very nervous. This was very scary, but I now know to be more careful with what I am doing. Overall this project was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed making it, and learning so much more about my dad. I would like to thank Mrs.Edwards and Mr. Casal for helping me with this project, and my dad for letting me interview him.

Here is my video

Reflection on Immigrant Interview

For my interview I interviewed my dad. I learned a lot about him and his background. I also learned a lot about his life when he first came here to America. He told me a lot of stories about his life and how there were a lot of challenges that he had to face when he first got here. I interviewed him in person so it was much easier and I could understand everything he was saying. I recorded it so I could always listen back. Recording really helped me in the long run because there were a few things that I missed but then could just listen back too. After I interviewed my dad I got a lot of pictures of him that could help me understand some of the stories that he told me. Thinking of the questions was a bit difficult though since you had to get questions that you would get long and detailed answers too. For a good amount of my questions I would just get a yes or no question and that wouldn’t help me, so I had to modify these questions into questions that I could get a long and detailed answer too. I had a lot of fun interviewing my dad and I now just want to learn more!