Technology Blog Post #4

The Soldering Unit has just ended and I had so much fun! So I will tell you a bit about my journey! Mr.Calvert introduced soldering by telling us that we will be making a jewelry piece for someone. He told us that we had to interview someone, and ask them a few questions about themselves. I decided to interview Mr.Calvert, and made a jewelry piece for him. He told me about his hobbies, his pets, and things he really enjoys doing. Afterwards we had to make a brainstorming sheet that had many circles on it. We had to make 12 designs of things that we think our person will like, and we can only use 6 wires. To keep it simple. It was hard for me to think of designs, even though I knew what he enjoyed doing and what he liked. I eventually got all 12 down and then we had to put a star on the one we like the most and we think we are going to do. After we did the basics we started forming our base piece. This was a little ring shaped metal wire. There were so many steps, but we got it done in the end. Once we have done that we put this double sided really sticky tape on the design that we were going to do, and put our little wire ring shaped thing on top. Once that was done Mr.Calvert gave us all the wire, and we had to shape our wire to be like our design. I was making a dog, so it wasn’t too hard to shape the wire. Once we were done with that it was time to use the soldering iron. This was scary because it was at 842 degree’s Fahrenheit. Before using it though we had to put this toxic stuff everywhere where wire touches wire. Now it was time to solder. We had to grab the wand thing like a pencil, tap the tip on a wet sponge to clean it, then get the soldering iron, and put the little wand thing and the iron on each other. Then we got the soldering iron on the wand. After you place it everywhere else where wire touches wire. Then you are all done and you give it to your person. I had so much fun doing this project and I can’t wait to do the next.