All posts by tozaki24

What are your goals for 2017?

What are your goals for 2017?

I only have 1 goal this year. It is to graduate into middle school. That is because in Japan you have to take a test to gradate into middle school or high school. Then you have to take another test to graduate into college. This means you have to take a test to graduate into a school at least twice for a lifetime. I am going to take the test to graduate into middle school because even if I fail getting into middle school I have another chance to take a test to graduate into high school. This is why I am studying a lot these days.

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All About Tak


My name is Takuma but I prefer being called Tak. I’m in 5th grade. I have a younger sister named Mei who is in 3rd grade. I like to play sports and video games. I like tennis the best. I also like math as the subject at school. I am from Japan. Anyone been there? It’s nice. Image result for mathRelated image