Capstone #1 Choosing A Topic

When I first heard about Capstone, witch was in first grade, all I thought to myself was “wow” and “When do I get do this?” After that I asked my big brother because I thought that he knew everything at the time. Then he said,” That’s a project that you get to do in fifth grade.” After I heard that I sat down and stared at a wall. Every year before fifth grade I always thought of capstone at least 100 times. Now that I’m in fifth grade and we are now starting capstone I have thought of it about 700 times, so far. In third grade I was thinking of doing my capstone project on Minecraft because it was popular at the time. Then in fourth grade I wanted to do my capstone project on dogs because I really liked the animal (witch I still do today) and it was fun to research different dog breeds on my free time (witch I still do today). In the starting of this year, witch is fifth grade, I started to really like Nintendo games and consoles. Then the Nintendo Switch came out. At first, yes I’ll admit it, I thought it was a useless peace of plastic that you can separate into three pieces. But then I started doing some research on the Switch and found its true beauty. That is how I decided to do Nintendo for my capstone project.


This is the Nintendo switch trailer. Yeah. It’s awesome.