Constitution Project Reflection

What made me choose my research question? I thought is was really interesting that maybe the president can be arrested in the middle of a term. When I was looking for three research questions, my friend made a joke about if the president can be arrested and that got me thinking can the president of the US really be arrested? I thought the question won’t have many sources and to my surprise there was a ton of resource on it.

One thing that was really challenging to me during the project was that during the research many sources didn’t have what I needed at I was doing impeachment of Presidents of the US in general not impeachment of the entire government and sometimes I have to work extra hard just to get on the due date. What motivated me was my love of Social Studies and also thinking about if do this excellently Ill get a good grade. Another challenge was that only 3 president were impeached and a lot of the sources were about Senators or House of representativeĀ  being impeached and this made the research more difficult than I thought I was gonna be

Overall I think I successfully answered all my question clear and precise I definitely learned new things and shared my learning on the project. I still can’t believe a joke became my research question. I think Overall I think IĀ  did a fine job even though i’m a bit bummed that I had to rush a bit and not 100% is perfect like I wanted it to be but it’s still pretty good.