Capstone blog post #3

I learned many different things about making a capstone. Some included parts during my research and some others. I did not know that astronauts train that hard. Did you know that astronauts have to spend about 500 hours inside the world’s largest pool? And one astronaut spends 1,563 hours inside the pool. Also, I learned that making a movie is very hard the reason why I say this is because each slide had to be 6 seconds, and it was hard to fit a lot of information inside 6 seconds. I chose to do a movie because there you did not have to memorize it. This was a part of why I chose the movie over anything else, and I always wanted to make a movie, and I saw an opportunity, and I took it. The reason why I choose space training is that I really like space and I already knew I was going to do space, but what about the area? Then a friend suggested that I should do space training I thought that this was an amazing topic to research and then I was hooked and then I choose space training. Overall I learned a lot of knowledge about my topic and how hard and long astronauts have to train I thought you only just sit on a spaceship, and you would quickly arrive in space but no, I was very mistaken astronauts must do a lot more work just to sit on a spaceship let alone go to space. I also learned that each takeoff that NASA does takes a lot of money, and to be exact, the lowest launch cost was a whopping 164 million dollars. You might think this is a lot, but this is nothing compared to the most expensive one. The most expensive launch was 7.8 BILLION dollars, and it was almost a fail.