The Andromada Strain (part 2)

In the Andromada Strain the wildfire project has built a massive under ground lab and to get to the actual lab you need to go through 4 levels of decomtaminatin. This shows how dangerous the Andromada Strain is and how serious this is being taken. I also think this because when Dr. Hall was studying the satellite he used an entire air tight suit instead of just gloves.

I think that the Government made the right choice not telling people about the scoop satellites but I am wondering would happen if Dr. Hall choose to use the bomb and how the Government would explain the explosion. In the possible outcomes of using the bomb,  a nuclear war will start. This will add a lot of pressure to Hall if it seams like the only choice is to active the bomb and he might choose not so start a war but then the predicted outcome was 336,000,000 deaths.

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