Blog Post 6

I tried to add a question for multiple choice, and an images question. I found adding new codes to my text was hard, especially when I didn’t know that I had to put in extra codes(import UIKit)to make other text work.

Blog Post 5

One of the Commands sections that I did was the Bug Squash Practice. The code that worked that I did was this:











This code worked but I had some trouble figuring out what the exact instructions were, but I figured it out.

Music Video

I liked Maddy’s music video because it felt happy. The animation was cool because all five actors were doing different things. I also liked the music, because it reminded me of a farm, and because it went well with all of the other parts of the video.

Current Events #3

Title: Diet Drugs Seem To Make Mosquitoes Less Thirsty For Human Blood.

Article Date: March 28, 2019

Source: Dogo News

News Type: World

Summary: Female mosquitoes get food from our human blood. But they are also responsible for illnesses like yellow fever, Dengue, and Zika. Researchers have found quite a few solutions to this. A research team at New York’s Rockefeller University has an amazing new solution to keep away mosquitoes. They fill their stomachs with diet drugs to make mosquitoes less hungry for our blood. As the scientists studied, they used Aedes aegypti (ay’ dee’s agipti) mosquitoes to test on. The research team did a lot of testing on the female mosquitoes. They found out that once mosquitoes have had one serving of human blood, they don’t need it again for a little while. Later on, the team did a lot more studying and found out that the diet drugs only had a temporary effect on the mosquitoes.

Personal Response: I chose this article because I thought that it was really cool that drugs could temporarily stop mosquitoes from biting people. Also, I HATE MOSQUITO BITES!!!!

My Personal Essay About How I Hate Being The Oldest Sibling

Hey you guys! It’s me. Here’s my personal essay about how I hate being the oldest sibling in my family:

You’d probably think that being the oldest sibling is the easiest job to be in a family, but boy, are you wrong. I’m expected to be the responsible one, I don’t have someone in front of me who has done it already or can give me advice, and younger siblings give me the blame instead of taking it themself. Sometimes people say that I’m an amazing older sister and that I must love the job, but I never believe it, because it’s not true!

One reason that it’s hard being the oldest sibling is because I’m expected to be the responsible one. One time, me mom told me and my sister to watch over my baby sister. Then one of them got hurt. My mom and dad blamed me for them getting hurt, even though I wasn’t the responsible one! See what I mean about having to be the responsible one? I wish I was the middle child.

Another reason that I don’t like being the oldest sibling is because you don’t have someone in front of you that has already done it, or can give you good advice. No one can help you, No one can tell you what to do, and no one would be there to teach you.  I’ve been good at tennis for a long time now. A while ago when my sister had just started tennis she probably asked me to help her swing and hit forehands. I told her, “Do this, and then this…” so that she knew how to do it. I could help my siblings with soccer, softball, tennis, hockey, art, and anything else that they could have needed help with. But since I’m the oldest sibling, if I was the first one to try-out lacrosse or something, I wouldn’t have anyone who could give me advice on how to do it. It must feel amazing to be the youngest sibling.

My last reason for why I don’t like being the oldest sibling is because younger siblings give you the blame, instead of taking it for themself. If your sister breaks something expensive you get blamed, if she hurts herself badly you get blamed, and if anything else bad happens to my little sister, I’m the one one who gets blamed. Of course my parents believe my younger sister for everything, so I would get in trouble. I hate getting blamed so I hate being the oldest.

Now do you get why I don’t like being the oldest? It’s so frustrating! I’m expected to be the responsible one, I don’t have someone in front of me who has done it already or can give me advice, and younger siblings give me the blame instead of taking it themself. Now you feel bad for me!