Ending off the School Year

So I’m just going to be talking about how I feel about the end of the school year. Honestly, I’m not sure exactly how I feel about school ending. Of course I’m going to be glad that I get a break, but we missed part of the year when Covid-19 hit. So I feel like […]

Ranting about Covid-19

This post is just going to be me talking about my perspective on Covid-19 and school. So if you don’t want to read that, scram! (Just kidding.) Not going to lie, at the very beginning of this whole thing, I was kinda happy about it. Don’t you lie, you were also probably glad that there […]


Here’s the question I’m going to be answering today… If you are throwing away plastics because your town recycling won’t take them, but you found out that there are places you could bring those plastics to recycle them, would you? And here is my answer. It depends. Normally, I would say yes, but if it’s […]


Ok, so today I’m going to talk about plastics. There are 7 types of plastics, which are all different. Some strong, some flimsy, but anyway, here are some thoughts on them. Some plastics seem more common than others. Here I have 5 piles of different types of plastics. My first pile is made up of the […]

How are things invented?

Here’s something I’ve always wondered; how are things invented? I just wonder how some things were invented, like rocking chairs, or phones. I know it sounds simple, like, “Phones were invented because somebody said to themselves, we need a mobile computer.” But why did their brain tell them that? Anyway, I guess if you think […]

Lumber Laws

Today, I’m going to be talking about the laws on restricting the timber industry. Right now, some states have laws the require the timber industry to protect the environment and replant the land. These laws state, “…replant the site within two years and it needs to meet green-up standards by six years…by state law we […]