I finally got to solder, and I soldered all the wires together. I kind of failed at first, but I got better at it, but when I got it all together, the bell rang, so I couldn’t take it home yet.
Flashlight (Part 3)
After that, I decorated my flashlight and connected all the wires, all though I was going to have to solder it. The class ended again with me waiting for everybody to finish soldering.
Flashlight (Part 2)
After finishing the diagram, I cut some pvc pipe with a saw into the correct size for the flashlight. Then, I drilled holes for where the switches and the LED lights will go. I got that much done before class ended.
In tech, we learned how you can use a breadboard to light up lights. You can connect it in different ways, through the a and b ports or in the other ones.
In class, we watched the video about how the soccer team in Thailand was exploring a cave when it started to rain. Soon, the cave was flooded, and the soccer team was trapped. They were finally able to get supplies through, and one of the problems the soccer team had faced was that they couldn’t […]
Breakout EDU (Tech, 2nd post)
For the fourth class in Tech, we got to play a breakout game! But instead of having to break out, we had to break into a box! It was fun, and we did it fast! Then we did the box that would help, even though we had already finished, just for fun. That is about […]
6th Grade Tech (1st post)
Hi, my name is Alexander, and this is the third day of technology at SMS. We haven’t started doing any projects, although we have learned safety rules, such as making sure to tuck necklaces inside shirts so that you don’t get dragged into a saw. It’s not the most fun, but at least we weren’t […]