Rube Goldberg #1

In class we have started Rube Goldberg. Rube Goldberg can help you reach a simple task in a more extravagant way.

You have to make many decisions. One of them were if you wanted to work in a group or alone. I chose to work alone. Working alone has Pros and Cons. One Pro is that there can’t be any arguments. Another Pro is that you don’t have to work with everyones schedule. Some Cons are that it’s hard to work all by yourself. Another Con is that you can run out of ideas, and it can get hard.

You need materials of course. I think that there is no point in going to the store and getting materials if I have things I could use, at home. It’s much easier and makes the process go by faster. I had to use a big space. I will my basement, where I can use all the space I want.

I think that this experiment will work for me in the end.