How do microwaves work? Well, I know they heat up food and kill germs but I don’t actually know how they work. Let’s learn all about them!
Food gets heated up in the microwave. Inside of the oven there is something called a magnetron. Inside the microwave are reflected inside of the microwave made of metal material.
It absorbs the food and makes Microwaves cause water molecules which make the food heat up and then the vibrate.
A fun thing to think about is what will happen if I set the microwave to heat something up but I don’t actually heat anything up? Well the answer to that question is that the magnetron will create things that travel into where you cook your food and will be absorbed if there is no food or water just a running microwave those things floating around will not go into where your cooking your food and just go back to the magnetrons. To answer your question not much happens just a bunch of chemicals and stuff like that.
Well that it, that is how a microwave works!